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In an ideal world, everything is wonderful - parents love and accept each other and their offspring, children thank and please their parents, siblings are friends with each other, but we live in a far from ideal world in which sometimes what some call love and care should be called tyranny and violence. In domestic psychological practice, you rarely come across descriptions or guidelines for working with such a phenomenon as delegated Munchausen syndrome; foreign experts often write about this. But, unfortunately, in our clinics and hospitals you can find such “stuffy” mothers and grandmothers, who in some cases themselves are the source of their children’s illness. So what is delegated Munchausen syndrome? This is not just anxious and suspicious behavior of an adult towards a child; these are not situations where they react to banal illnesses as life-threatening conditions, which also does not add health and confidence to those under their care. These are actions as a result of which someone, not being very aware of their actions, and someone, from the very beginning, deliberately and systematically, begins to worsen the health of their child with the help of various medications not indicated for the child, diets, excessive exercise, stress. factor and other negative impacts. What goal do such people pursue? As a rule, this is the receipt of secondary benefit in the form of sympathy, attention, admiration for the people around them - oh, what a selfless mother/grandmother/father devoted her entire life to such a sick child. Also, such a person often “hides” behind the need to care for someone, so as not to live his own life, subconsciously avoiding his own possible failures and problems. “In other roles, I don’t know how I will fare, but in the field of caring for a sick child, I will certainly be safe and honored,” because in our society there is a law of social encouragement in relation to people who help the suffering. Or, of course, the primary benefit is a sick child as a means of obtaining material benefits from another parent or the state. In foreign literature and cinema there are many films and books devoted to this problem, and in our country one can increasingly find descriptions of this phenomenon. For example, in the series “Trigger” directed by Dmitry Tyurin, there is an episode about the divorce of spouses. And in the course of his work, the main character reveals the fact that the mother has been falsifying medical documents for many years and provoking attacks of suffocation in the child, convincing both her son and her husband that the boy is seriously ill. And it all started at the moment when she realized that she was losing attractiveness and contact with her husband, and that further divorce was inevitable, and, playing on her husband’s sense of duty and guilt in relation to a seriously ill child, she tried to save the family, create the image of a woman bearing an unbearable burden. the burden of a selfless and caring mother of a disabled child. Of course, we need to remember the partly autobiographical book by Pavel Sanaev “Bury me behind the baseboard” and the film of the same name by Sergei Snezhkin. A dramatic story of difficult parental relationships between several generations of a family - grandmother and daughter, mother and son, difficulties in marital dyads, personal accentuations and dramas, the book and film simply amazingly illustrate the reasons for turning to psychotherapy for all family members. For a number of reasons, the grandson ends up in the care of his grandmother, who begins intensively treating him for non-existent diseases. That way of life, according to the grandmother, which should put a “completely rotten” boy back on his feet, on the contrary, contributes to both his physical weakening and acts as a as a serious psychological trauma, with which he will have to coexist in the moment and deal with it in the aftermath. The story continues in the story of growing up and finding oneself in the second part of the book “Chronicles of a Broke Man.” As for foreign works of art, it is of course worth remembering the book and the atmospheric, seasoned and very beautiful series directed by Jean-Marc.
