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The work of a psychologist: Interesting and Useful 918 Good afternoon, Dear Friends! And we continue to study the work of a therapist, we continue to study its various features, we continue to share our experience and knowledge accumulated during practice. I bring to your attention the nine hundred and eighteenth article in the series. For example, our client complains to us about something. For example, that he is offended by other people, that they look down on him, and the like. Here it is important to understand whether such a vision is not only a reflection of its own manifestations. Maybe this is a projection of something of one’s own onto people. This type of projection is called a mirror projection. We definitely check this hypothesis as well. Our client talks a lot. On the one hand, it may be really important for him to speak out at our meetings, since some topics about his problems, for example, may be inappropriate to discuss with friends who are not professionals and will not be able to give what a psychologist can give - containment , For example. On the other hand, if we see that the first option is not very suitable for the case of our client, if we see that this is not about reprimanding or not only about it, then we can tell him the following words: “I notice that you speak very a lot of. Is it possible that you are doing this because it is very difficult for you to let someone near you, in this case me? Perhaps by such “chattering” you protect yourself from coming into contact with some difficult feelings and emotions.” The client tells us about how he influences the destinies of other people, how because of him they do certain significant things in their lives actions (they quit, move from him to a friend’s apartment, ceasing to be neighbors, and so on and so forth). What can we see here, in his words, in his manifestations? ... We can see here that the client is showing us his, as it would be correct to say... , he demonstrates to us his omnipotence! Do you also want to share something? Please write below in the comments! It will be important and interesting for everyone to learn something useful for their work or just for themselves! Thank you for your attention! The next, nine hundred and nineteenth article in the series will be published soon, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow! Sign up for a consultation: + 7 - 9 6 5 - 3 1 7 - 5 6 - 1 2 If you liked the material, please click on “Say thanks”! In order not to miss anything interesting, subscribe to my publications! And please share, material on social networks! :)
