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Author's Note: In this article, I talk about a common request for help in solving problems. And that before you start doing something about a problem, you must first take a position in relation to it. My clients and clients of my colleagues come for consultations for help on various issues. The following scheme is often encountered: - There is a problematic situation X. - There is a negative feeling Y. - Request to a specialist: get rid of the problematic situation that gives rise to these negative feelings. If this can be done, then the problem is solved - everyone is happy. And if not? It often turns out that for objective reasons it is not possible to change situation X as desired. Does this mean that there are no opportunities to help? Where does that very “I can” remain? What remains is the freedom given to every person, living in the gap between X and Y. The facts/situations of my life come to me as a question from the world, and not as a sentence. And every person has the right to answer this question as he sees fit. How to realize your freedom? Through taking a position in relation to reality. And this is also possible in relation to your feelings. Position is that deep sense of clarity about your place and your decision in a situation. This is something that I can present as “I stand on this and cannot do otherwise.” The position helps us: (a) gives support, unloads, gives a foundation to be calm; (b) creates a channel in which feelings can flow freely; (c) through it I realize my personal vision of my own life, my right; (d) makes the situation meaningful in the context of life as a whole. Based on the position taken, it becomes possible to act consciously and reasonably. You can act without it. But then what will this action be directed at? Defense mechanisms of the psyche, positions of others, habitual action scenarios, etc. Due to this, there is a high probability of error or even greater fading in the problem. Taking a position is not something ephemeral, abstract, as the name may seem. There are specific steps and methods for formulating a position. And the position is always very specific and relevant to a given situation. Often the position alone can help with the request with which I started. At the same time, “taking a stand” is a real personal skill that can be mastered and applied in your life and to help others.
