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Two supports - two legs Each of us encounters stress, difficult situations and traumatic events throughout our lives. Our well-being depends on how resilient we are. Some people are thrown off balance by a little stress, while others can withstand and live with dignity in difficult conditions. In my practice, I help clients form two types of supports, like two legs: βœ… External βœ… Internal External support is the world that supports me 🌏: - how do I live in this world, do I have my own place where I can relax and get help; - do I have loyal and supportive friends, environment, community; - do I have the skill to defend my interests and views ;β€” do I have the skill to ask for help; β€” do I have spiritual attitudes that I rely on. That is, hope for a prosperous future! Inner support is myself πŸ™πŸ»β€β™€οΈ:β€” my body, feelings, sensations, vitality;β€” a sense of self-worth, thoughts about myself, the way I defend my rights, mark my boundaries ;β€” what meanings I give to this life, my motives and values ​​that drive me. Psychologists talk a lot about internal support. What is internal support? And how do I understand it? It is based on close acquaintance with yourself: knowledge of your feelings, ways to cope with strong experiences, knowledge of strengths and weaknesses, values ​​and personal boundaries. Belief in yourself and your strengths, a stable sense of your self-worth. A clear understanding that β€œI can, I can handle it!” People without internal support in situations of stress, difficult experiences of failures, mistakes and mistakes resort to destructive methods of self-help: shopaholism, workaholism, alcoholism, overeating, etc. Such people lose faith that they can cope with problems on their own. The formation of internal support begins with a deep interest in oneself, one’s feelings, needs, experiences, and ways of coping. And here it is important to analyze these ways, how useful or destructive they are for you. If the actions are unconstructive, it is important to find new healthy strategies for coping with difficult experiences and events. So, if you used to eat away your boredom, then you can try to find new interests and hobbies. If anger was suppressed and washed down with alcohol in order to somehow relax, you can try to direct the energy of anger to achieve new goals. I often hear from clients: I got angry and found a new job, better than the previous one in all respects! Sincere and careful acquaintance with yourself will help:βœ… learn and feel your personal boundaries,βœ… understand what actions of people around you anger and irritate you,βœ… learn your true life values ​​that will help you in choices and decisions, βœ… noticing that you are coping with life without the help of others and choosing healthy behavior strategies for this. Who in your environment can you rely on? Do you feel supported inside? Did you like the article? Be generous with your likes and comments! Can’t cope with your emotions, your life, do you need professional support? I invite you to my caring and safe space! Online session RUB 3,000. In person Balashikha 3500 RUR.
