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Our children are far from being children, they understand everything, use a computer better than us, solve global problems, in general, they get a full taste of life. Including sex, they do not ignore it. Sex before the age of 14 is considered early. If you think that having sex at 16 is too early, then you are definitely behind the times. Alas, intimate relationships now play a completely different role. They have lost their sacredness and turned into an accessible way of obtaining pleasure. There is no shortage of modern culture here. But its importance should not be exaggerated. Let's put it this way: the current time gives us a whole variety of colors, reveals them all, and which one and how you choose is your business. Someone will immediately reach for the color that will attract them, and someone will try them all, combine and explore, and someone will stop at one, afraid to move on. But it is precisely “disliked” children who enter into early relationships. The lack of love and affection from the family (both in early childhood and later) makes children feel worthless, unnecessary, and deprived. After all, sex is also a tactile (bodily, skin) sensation that calms us through the release of oxytocin (a hormone responsible for tenderness, fidelity and reliability) and endorphins (hormones of joy) into the blood. In this way, they not only feel needed, but also relieve anxiety and mental stress on a physiological level. Don't notice anything? After all, we, adults, often resort to a similar method: for example, a woman who simply cannot receive affection and attention from her husband in any other way; or a man who cannot speak out to his wife, but wants to relax and quickly forget. Then why blame the children? Our children are what we ourselves have invested in them, not through boring tirades, but through our own example. They easily catch falsehood and then try to go their own way. The second “risk group” is smart, curious and “fast-living” children and adolescents who, for certain reasons, were not lucky enough to fully experience childhood and are in a hurry to show themselves as adults, and therefore worthy respect. This also includes the desire to “show off” in front of peers. And also children who have absolutely nothing to do. The third “risk group” is children with psychological trauma, including sexual trauma. Therefore, make sure that the children sleep in a separate room and do not climb the gateways. There is even a protective mechanism of the psyche “sexualization”, which manifests itself in the desire to look very sexy and conquer more and more individuals to confirm one’s own importance (but, alas, often in combination with frigidity).Parents often come to me with questions about sex education for their children. Children's masturbation, early sex, sexual games and what they consider to be an “unhealthy” interest in sexual relations make parents panic. The first reaction is the desire to prohibit the child from such actions, to scare them, but this will only worsen the situation. Firstly, the forbidden fruit will become even sweeter, secondly, it will completely discourage you from exploring the world and yourself, and thirdly, it will harm your sex life in adulthood. Who is to blame and what to do? The reason lies not so much in the mass media and the promotion of accessible pleasures, but in parental education. If you skillfully comment on a film a child accidentally sees, he will learn to analyze it himself and not take these shots for granted. If you yourself believe that sex is a dirty and shameful activity, then it is possible that your offspring will want to prove the opposite to you. Or...they will follow your example and be regulars on porn sites, afraid to ask their wife to experiment in bed. The phrases “sex without love is taboo”, “it’s too early for you to know”, “when you grow up, you’ll understand”, on the one hand, increase intrigue, and on the other hand, they cultivate shame and guilt. You need to answer questions about your manifestation into the world, but gradually. To a three-year-old child that he was born from love, at 4-5 years old - from kisses and hugs, but at the age of 5-6 years it can be explained in general terms or, for example, acquired.
