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From the author: ...Nature told a woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent...We often read life-affirming statuses on the Internet, look through life-affirming videos, but we don’t always manage to fully believe that we can live like this—happily, brightly, beautifully. We tell ourselves that this only happens in movies and books, but in my life everything is different. We cannot explain to ourselves the reason for such self-hypnosis, nor can we escape from the feeling of internal discomfort, imbalance, lack of peace and harmony... One of the ways to change oneself towards a “film-newspaper” life is to change one’s train of thought. We truly have a colossal number of imposed patterns and stereotypes. Many women grew up in conditions of complete suppression of any expression of femininity. And difficult times, a deep crisis in the country only contributed to this: “If the clothes are practical and for several years to come, if the work is any, then you have to survive somehow...” Subsequently, the boundaries of femininity and masculinity were erased for many . Modern girls often dress like men and wear only sneakers, citing the fact that it is “much more comfortable.” But such negligence towards oneself and one’s worldview has much more serious consequences than we imagine. Failures at work are coming - after all, more successful and self-confident, brave and bright people come to take our place. Failures are coming in your personal life, because you can pass by a woman in sneakers and jeans, but it’s difficult to pass by a lady who is favorable about her figure. Failures in relationships with the environment are coming - someone goes to the fitness room, someone is actively involved in yoga, someone is passionate about sewing or knitting, and you... You again tell yourself that you are not created for all this... And then depression is long-lasting and persistent. After all, expectations are completely at odds with reality. The world is completely different... and somehow you have to learn to live in it... This is why classes with a psychologist were created. This is the very case when you, as a woman, can help yourself change your view of yourself, your environment, your husband (or your loneliness in which you arrive). I don’t want to scare you by claiming that serious work on yourself awaits you, that you will have to change absolutely everything - this is not at all the case. Each woman usually leaves with her own “set” of what she wants to do “differently”. Is it worth trying? It’s up to you, women, to decide! Sometimes we think that sessions with a psychologist are an expensive pleasure or it costs quite a lot of money, but at the end you get something that completely changes the quality of your life. Maybe it’s worth taking a risk one day? After all, who doesn’t take risks... ___________________________________________________________________ Look for a kind, sympathetic, sensitive psychologist in your city - and take risks, change, create! Good luck! PS Date and time of the class for women in Volgograd HERE
