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From the author: On July 22, a double terrorist attack occurred in the capital of Norway, Oslo - at 17.30 an explosion occurred in the city center near the office of the Norwegian government, as a result of which 7 people were killed. A few hours after this, on the island of Utøya, a man in a police uniform opened fire on participants in a youth camp, killing 84 people. Why did such a terrible terrorist attack occur in a country where tolerance and democracy are an unshakable part of the state’s domestic and foreign policy? What could have inspired the desire to carry out such an inhumane act, what are the consequences of this terraristic act and what should be expected in the future? And are there any psychological reasons for what happened? First of all, in this post I would like to express my condolences to all those relatives who lost their loved ones. This is truly a difficult loss for the family. In addition, this is a loss not only for loved ones, but also for everyone who was completely confident in their safety and security. It turned out that this is far from the case. Today I will not analyze what is happening for a long time, but will only express my opinion as a psychologist about what happened. Despite the fact that there is no official forensic psychiatric report of the detained Anders Behring Breivik yet, we can safely assume that this monstrous act was committed by a person with obvious psychopathology and the desire to assert oneself. This also shows the nature of his behavior when shooting people at a summer camp on the island of Utøya. Dressed in a police uniform, he entered the camp without hindrance and, with calls to come closer, began to shoot all the campers at point-blank range. And this suggests that this action was carefully planned, which in turn means that the detainee was sane and fully aware of what he was doing. Let’s look a little deeper, why does the desire to kill one’s own kind even arise? Judging by the nature of the incident, we see that Breivik and his possible accomplices acted purely ideologically. There is no economic motive observed here. This means that the main goal was to show one’s disagreement and desire to assert oneself, thus, among one’s own fellow citizens and the world community. If 30 years ago terrorist attacks were somehow exotic and completely shocked ordinary citizens, now this is already happening everywhere. With what it can be connected? According to Professor of Ontology and Doctor of Philosophy Michael Laitman, we are entering a new phase of development, where all our previous values, aspirations and desires have reached their highest point. The slightest disagreement or someone else's opinion can cause enormous hatred towards those who were recently close to you. And all this happens despite the fact that evolutionarily we are becoming closer to each other: economically, technologically, socially. Consequently, we lag behind nature in our integration. First of all, this concerns our consciousness. Now, we can no longer imagine our lives without the Internet, imported goods, new technologies, where all achievements belong not to individual countries, but to all of humanity. We are literally all connected to each other: economically, technologically and communicatively. And at the same time, we think and act in the opposite way. That is, we all also believe that “only our picture of the world is correct,” and all others are unacceptable. Thus, we create this polarity in our consciousness between us and other people. If we look at the same thing from the point of view of cognitive psychology, we will see that there is not just a conflict of systems of values ​​and perceptions, but also an absolute reluctance to put up with and accept the position of other people. And this despite the fact that everything that happens around is only a reflection of our inner world. !!In other words, everything that we observe is only a product of our thoughts, which subsequently become our actions, and then habits.!! If we abstract from psychology for a second, then we can notice that !!
