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Today, parents are increasingly paying attention to the development of the child and, from an early age, work with him in additional preschool and school education institutions. But here psychologists constantly observe such a picture when a mother takes a child to one or another circle, creative group or sports section, based only on her beliefs, without taking into account whether the child has a desire, inclination or ability for this activity. And this circumstance, by the way, should always come first. However, his parents constantly ignore him. Often parents decide to “pass” their child to this or that section, to this or that circle, based on their own motives that have long been “sitting inside them”, including: - to be like everyone else, if all the parents in the city are literally “dragging” their a child in the volleyball section or dream of him becoming a hockey player, then “how can you stand aside from the process”; - the desire to realize one’s own unfulfilled dreams: to become successful in sports, music, theater, etc.; - to become the parent of a genius or “ advanced" child; – show your loved ones, as well as acquaintances and work colleagues, that things are going just fine with the upbringing of your “child”; – “load” the child with activities so that he has no personal time left for “nonsense” or “bad” company. Behind all this, the needs of the parents come first, but not the desires and capabilities of the child. Therefore, they often literally force their children into their chosen activity even if they, i.e. our children received a completely different gift from nature. Sometimes growing children begin to engage in self-knowledge as individuals and also wonder whether they have certain abilities for anything. This becomes especially important when it comes to professional self-determination. How can parents and children understand what is best for them to do in order to achieve success in their chosen field of activity, “not to miss”? For this purpose, there is such a purely mundane branch of psychology as psychodiagnostics, which helps to accurately assess the state and development of a person’s mental functions, and identify individual personality characteristics. Based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis, the psychologist interprets the data obtained, identifies the identified abilities and characteristics of the child, and outlines the range of activities in which his natural potential will be realized to the maximum. Often, parents do not quite understand how psychologists make such profound (and we dare) I can assure you that they are quite accurate) conclusions about the future of a child who has undergone comprehensive psychodiagnostics. However, we must understand that behind each test that is offered to a boy or girl, there is a huge amount of work by those who created (sometimes for decades!) and improved this test, carefully selected and, often, changed the stimulus material, calculated norms, adapted in one way or another culture. But it is also necessary to ensure that the psychologist diagnosing the child knows how this is done, understands the essence of the test, its nuances, and also understands the theoretical developments that always lie behind it. So the hour that the psychologist will spend with your child is definitely just the “tip of the iceberg”, no more....
