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From the author: October 2012 In order to be happy, it is enough to be yourself! This means living and creating in the Spirit! The truth about man: man is a Spirit, possessing a soul - an energy-information field - the shell of the Spirit, and a physical carrier - a body! The spirit has a divine nature and does not need any improvement or correction. The body is a cast of the soul. The soul is an energy-information field, a multidimensional energy structure that interacts with the body and external reality! The soul reacts sensitively to information, energies and vibrations. The soul, in the absence of conscious control over it, is changeable in energy potential, states and vibrations. And it is the soul that needs to be protected, controlled, cleansed and ennobled! And it is natural to learn to do this on your own. Here we are talking about the subtly material, energetic, light or etheric bodies of a person, the totality of which is usually called the aura or biofield. We can deny the presence of a “mythical” biofield, but the position of an ostrich, camouflaged, with its head in the sand, is ineffective. We feel the presence of another person in space, and what comes from him - “cloud” or “sun”. And this is felt without words. We feel a gaze directed at us, even from the back, and despite the fact that there are no eyes on the back of our heads. We see dreams where we interact with another reality and experience it. At the same time, our condition, energy, breathing and pulse change! Interaction with dreams clearly shows the connection between the reaction of the physical body, its organs and systems, the reaction to contact with the “illusory” reality of sleep! And if you close your eyes, imagine a branch with a ripe lemon, covered with droplets of morning dew, emitting a subtle aroma of freshness and mentally picking it from elastic branch, feel the pleasant coolness and heaviness in your hand, admire it, bring the lemon to your mouth, bite off a delicious piece from it, and chew it in your mouth, feeling the splashes of living juice... Quite right - we watch how the mouth fills with saliva, and this the reaction of the physical, salivary glands to an imaginary (“absent”) reality... And one more example... When someone located somewhere remembers us with a “kind” word, discusses us with someone, we feel how our ears and cheeks “burn”... And it’s amazing how the information signal reaches us, regardless of location and the presence of armored doors! We can accept or deny: radio waves, infra- and ultrasounds, infrared and ultraviolet radiation - but they exist. And we can also accept or deny the presence of a complex multidimensional structure of subtle bodies in humans... With the “ostrich” position, we do not have information about the state, and accordingly, we do not control and manage our subtle “bodies”, which reflect our energetic and psycho-emotional states, the degree of harmony within us, and the harmony of our interaction with space. Conventionally, the subtle bodies of a person can be compared to a matryoshka doll. And in the projection of the physical body (the smallest nesting doll) we have seven energy bodies, each of which interacts with a certain sphere of multidimensional reality, in which we are included as a part, like a droplet in the ocean! A droplet that has the right to choose, the only thing that truly belongs to a person, with the caveat: “what goes around comes around”! Just imagine - the “matryoshka dolls” scattered unattended and like a swan, a crayfish and a pike... What is the result for such a person ?That's it - problems, chaos, suffering... When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well!!! And whose “matryoshka dolls” are they? And who is the owner of the “matryoshka dolls”? And who is the cause of the “sowing”, and who will get the consequence? It’s up to you to decide whether to look for this owner outside or take responsibility for everything that manifests itself in your reality on yourself!!! Moral: if a person is created according to image and likeness of the Supreme, is the highest Creation of the Supreme Mind, and if he corresponds to his divine nature, avoids mistakes, lives consciously, interacts comfortably with people (parallelUniverses) and Space, then he is doomed to success in any area of ​​life, because human nature is divine, perfect!!! Perfection is the goal of earthly paths! To find something, you need to realize the need for it, understand why this something is needed, what it gives , why is this important for you? Something turns into a Goal! Then you need to find out where this something is, find out what can be done to achieve the goal, what can be done right now, what can be done tomorrow! It is useful to know what can be done on the subtle plane, what can be done in physical reality! It is useful to know what resources will be needed to achieve the goal, with what backpack and equipment you will go to the top of the mountain, to your goal! At this stage, it is very useful to find a guide, who knows the way to the top. This allows you to avoid mistakes, dangers along the way, and have the opportunity to get help and insurance nearby! Having agreed on the route and taking the necessary equipment, you need to start moving! One must do, namely act, only action gives results!!! When a person reaches the top, he sees the next one, and the process repeats. A person realizes: the meaning is not in conquering the next peak - the meaning is in the process of movement, the meaning is in the Path! The Path gives everything! Happy is the one who follows the path of his destiny! At the initial stage, “walking the path yourself is harder than dragging a mountain by the hair” ! This is a Path on which there is no trace, no roads, but everyone must and does walk their own Path! “Man is a rope over an abyss, from animal to superman. The path is dangerous, the stop is dangerous, the gaze turned down is dangerous. And there is no turning back!” F. Nietzsche. Need a guide! You need someone who knows the way, someone who will lead you to your true self!!! Everything you need for happiness, all talents, opportunities and abilities are hidden inside a person!!! And the true guide, knowing about your divine nature, leads you with patience and love to the center of your Self. Such people are called Masters or guides. And if you decide to get out of the swamp of vanity and find happiness, if you are determined to create your own paradise here on planet Earth! IF YOU ARE READY TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF AND CONSCIOUSLY FORM AND MANAGE YOUR REALITY - SEEK YOUR MASTER!!! Even if you spend 12 years of your life on this, it’s justified, you will find your Path, it’s better than hanging out or going with the flow. Master is the best thing the Universe can give you - it is a bridge to the Kingdom of God on Earth! The kingdom is within you!!! And go to the kingdom, and build temples for you... And the guide knows the way... Or do you go, not knowing where, not knowing the road, not knowing the opportunities and dangers... Where to start? Awareness is the key to success in any business!!! The first is the intention to wake up, find yourself, be yourself, and live your life! The second is to collect, center, synchronize subtle bodies, put the “matryoshka” in order, learn to be aware, control, manage the state of your energy information field! This allows you to connect to inexhaustible natural sources of vitality and gain a stable structure of the energy-information field! This allows you to be yourself in the conditions of modern society, to continuously evolve as a consciousness, to interact comfortably and harmoniously with people and space! By becoming master of yourself, knowing, wanting, being able and acting, a person is able to achieve any goals! The only limiting principle is “do no harm: neither yourself nor others.” Energy is the basis of everything! We receive energy investments at birth, positive thinking, creative activity. Energy and time are the two main resources that a person has! Energy is the main currency of man! He who has a lot of energy has a lot of things. Imagine a bag of gold coins: this is the amount of energy with which we come into life. With a smart investment, you can multiply it unlimitedly! Rich people choose investments. Take the path of an investor - invest time and energy in yourself, in the divine nature of people, in space! When you invest like this, you are investing in God. This is the best investment!!!
