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In most cases, complexes begin to appear in a person in childhood. That is why it is necessary to raise a child in such a way as to prevent them from developing. Almost all people in one way or another experience in childhood the so-called inferiority complex, as well as an unattractiveness complex. True, with proper upbringing, they disappear one day and do not bother the matured person. For example, any teenager does not like something about his appearance, which causes him to have an uncomfortable psychological state. One doesn’t like his thinness, the other doesn’t like his fatness. Any, even the slightest flaw causes serious distress in a teenager. It is believed that this goes away over the years, but the results of studies conducted by psychologists indicate that about half of adults never get rid of their inferiority complex. Adult men and women simply skillfully hide external flaws, and some try to pretend that this problem simply does not exist. To help your child get rid of the unattractiveness complex, you need to be patient and constantly pay attention to his appearance. If a part of the child’s body that is bothering him needs correction, help him in this matter, but under no circumstances laugh at his shortcoming. Often, you just need to choose a different hairstyle or style of clothing for the teenager to begin to feel confident in himself. Most often, a teenager who doesn’t like something about his own appearance during the transition period simply finds fault with himself in order to look even better. In this case, you need to explain to your child every day that he already looks beautiful. It is much more difficult to get rid of the Oedipus complex, which even over time cannot receive its resolution. It happens that a child continues to have the illusion that when he grows up, he will become his mother’s husband. However, this happens unconsciously; the child, on a subconscious level, tries to prove to everyone his advantage over his father so that the mother will pay more attention to him. Also, the Oedipus complex, according to psychoanalysts, manifests itself in the desire to marry an older person. In addition, it manifests itself in families where one of the spouses plays the role of “mom” or “dad,” while the other gladly submits, showing infantilism until old age and demanding attention. By the way, confirmed bachelors who are too attached to their mother also belong to this category. In order to avoid the consolidation of the Oedipus complex in the child, psychologists recommend that in case of various disagreements, parents do not involve the child in the conflict so that he does not become a “mediator.” Unfortunately, many parents do this. A mother who lacks communication with her husband may try to satisfy her need through communication with her son. And this is quite dangerous for the child’s psyche. Under no circumstances should a mother pit her son against her husband. It is difficult to avoid the development of an Oedipus complex in a boy raised by a single mother. She involuntarily hopes that her son will be her support and protector. Unfortunately, a baby cannot be a support for an adult, even with a strong desire. Thus, her son will not be able to make her happy, but she will be able to significantly interfere with the happiness of her baby. If a child believes that he is loved for something, and not just like that, then he begins to develop an inferiority complex. Even a small failure is painful for such a child. The child is sure that if, for example, he does not study well, they will stop loving him. Parents will not form an inferiority complex in their child if they are careful in their statements. You cannot humiliate a child, especially in the presence of other people. Don't let your child feel helpless and powerless. It’s better to praise your tomboy more often, he really needs it. Don’t spoil your baby excessively. A child who thinks he is the center of the universe will not survive ridicule from his peers..
