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General informationDepression is a serious psychological disorder, which often affects not only the patient himself, but also his loved ones. Most often, depression develops against the background of stress or a long-term traumatic situation. Often depressive disorders are hidden under the guise of a bad mood and character traits. In order to prevent serious consequences, it is important to understand how and why depression occurs. Causes Depressive disorders can appear at any age and in representatives of any social group. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that the values ​​of modern society exert significant pressure on a person. People strive for social well-being, professional success, and external attractiveness. If this cannot be achieved, a person may fall into despair, have a hard time experiencing failures, and, as a result, depression develops. Severe psychological trauma can also lead to depressive disorder, such as the death of a loved one, family breakdown, breakup of a relationship with a loved one, serious illness. In rare cases, depression occurs without any obvious reason. Scientists suggest that in such situations, the characteristics of neurochemical processes play a role, in particular, the exchange of neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, etc.). Symptoms The emotional manifestations of depression are very diverse. These include feelings of anxiety, despair, and decreased self-esteem. A person suffering from depression experiences constant fatigue and sadness. He ceases to be interested in what used to bring him joy and becomes indifferent to others. The behavior of patients also changes. Depression can be suspected if a person loses the ability to take purposeful actions and cannot concentrate. A person who is sociable and cheerful by nature, falling into depression, begins to avoid contact with friends and relatives, “locks himself within four walls.” Often there is an attachment to alcohol and drugs. Patients with depression are also characterized by some peculiarities of thinking. Thoughts about oneself become negative, a person fixates on the negative aspects of his life, considers himself unnecessary, worthless, and a burden to relatives. It is difficult for the patient to make decisions on his own. In addition to changes in the emotional sphere, depression is also characterized by physiological (somatic) manifestations. Most often, the sleep-wake pattern is disrupted, resulting in insomnia. Appetite may disappear completely or, conversely, intensify and lead to overeating. Patients complain of pain in the heart, stomach, and suffer from constipation. The body's energy reserves noticeably decrease; patients quickly become overtired even with minor physical and mental stress. Sexual disorders often occur. Complications Unfortunately, alcoholism and drug addiction are very often caused by depressive conditions. Alcohol and drugs give the patient a false sense of well-being. Depression also underlies a variety of social phobias (fear of losing a loved one, fear of being in a public place), and in severe cases can lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts. What you can do First of all, you need to know that depression can and should be fought If you notice that one of your loved ones begins to criticize themselves too often, conflicts with family members, work colleagues, or experiences an inexplicable feeling of fear, you should consult a doctor. If a patient is diagnosed with depression, he needs to be supported and try to cheer him up, even if he himself is not interested in this. The patient’s relatives must understand that depression is a transient condition in which they need to provide psychological help without plunging into the disease themselves. Try to convince the patient that it is not his fault that he has depression. Together you will cope with this difficult condition. What can your doctor do? Without.
