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DISTANCE LEARNING. SEARCHING FOR RESOURCES. The third week of “distance” is coming to an end. And it’s already clear that you need to “hold out” for another month. And nothing can be changed. In desperation, parents sit their children at the computer, fortunately there are more than enough video lessons on the Internet. Even parents of preschoolers began to worry. I've already been asked if I can teach a preschooler to read over Skype. Of course, I refused. But at the same time, I understand that it is not always easy for a parent, for example, to teach a child to read, because he is not a teacher. And now about schoolchildren and distance learning. Try to use the time of self-isolation to benefit the child. What does this mean? Pay attention to the “weaknesses” » your child and spend time (if you have it) to turn deficits into surpluses. I will tell you about my children. My youngest son, a second grader, does best in mathematics, worse in Russian. Moreover, I noticed that he counts examples quickly and practically without errors, there are no problems here. But there are difficulties with tasks. Taking a closer look at HOW Philip solves problems, I realized that he does not delve into the conditions. Classic problem. He adds “something to something” and gets “two diggers and two thirds.” Therefore, during this period we concentrated on working with task conditions. The son learns to read the conditions carefully and thinks about it. After three weeks he became much better at solving problems. Progress. In the Russian language, problems are “concentrated” in the area of ​​unstressed vowels, consonants at the end of words and the search for roots. What are we doing here? We have developed an algorithm for checking an unstressed vowel. At school they usually ask us to find a word with the same root, in which the stress will fall on the vowel we need. However, it is not always easy for a child to find such a word. After “playing” with the words, we noticed that the easiest way is to change the word to a diminutive (table-table) or choose the plural (fox-foxes). Almost always in this case it is possible to find a test word. A little training and this problem is solved! They also found a “scheme” for checking consonants. With words of the same root, as it turned out, my son lacks fluency in choosing words. I had to practice this too. We have other difficulties with our eldest son. He learned the material well in school in class, and it was easy for him to complete the homework assigned at school. But it is difficult for him to study on his own all day long; the big problem is completing the task accurately. What have we done? We noticed how much time he spends on completing a task, and then on working on mistakes if the work is done sloppily. Then, for comparison, the son tried to complete the task slowly and it turned out that in this case the proverb “the slower you go, the slower you go,” works. Less time is spent completing the task. So two months of “distance” will definitely be useful for developing self-organization skills. What conclusion did I draw for myself? Schooling is easier. But in a “non-stop” life mode, there is not always enough time to see and solve some problems (difficulties). But this is very important. How can distance learning be useful to us? That notorious independence, which many of our children no longer know about, may begin to take shape. Yes, it’s possible that at first the children won’t do something, or won’t understand something. But this is a chance to make up for what was lost at some point. If you perceive distance learning as a new opportunity, and not just as a problem, then you can benefit from it. Other articles on the topic of distance learning in conditions of self-isolation. Distance learning. Home. Distance learning. If you have two children. Distance learning does not mean full online learning. Distance learning. About practical activities. Distance learning. Feedback. And if you liked my post, maybe you will be interested in reading my books?
