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Woman is the universe... Model of a harmonious woman Our task is to return to a harmonious model of life, restore the broken knowledge of the Universe, take again the correct model and return the feminine principle to those who come to earth as women What am I? Who am I? Do I like myself? What kind of person would I like to become? How to build a new version of myself? Almost every woman asks herself these and other questions, because we are imperfect and are always looking for it, always in search of something better, important. But to understand how correctly and what guidelines we have, it is enough to look at the eternal teacher that the Almighty has given us - nature. In her and only in her is hidden the true meaning, because she is the only pure creation without the admixture of man and his ego. Nature is a source of knowledge, inspiration and beauty. Through it, we will look at a woman’s path to herself, which lasts a lifetime... I once heard the phrase that our world is perfect, only our idea of ​​it is imperfect. And indeed, I noticed that with the development of man and his thoughts, perfection and the idea of ​​sovereignty changed and transformed. According to cosmic cycles, people either revived their souls or completely fell into the darkness of ignorance. It was on female nature that this affected the most. And of course, it left its mark on the world around. It’s worth looking at a woman and it becomes clear how the country, the state lives, and whether people’s consciousness is developed. And if you want to destroy a people, you must first kill a woman, trample all that is best and bright in her, so that she cannot give birth to healthy offspring. It was the Russian woman who was most affected by the events of world history. They shaped us, and the models that distorted the perception of the world. Models of perception of life for women that shaped us 1. The woman is the keeper of the hearth. Since ancient times, when man lived in harmony with the natural world, this includes the Slavic, Vedic society, the society of people who live on the earth and manage their own farms. A man’s behavior is always masculine, and a woman’s is feminine, because a woman will not be able to do complex physical work in the field, and a man will not be able to raise and raise children and run a household. It is by living in the natural world that a woman learns from the earth and hears it, understands the patterns and rhythms, she is harmonious. A woman is the earth itself. The man is the sun. Man is the sower and guardian of the earth, the feminine principle, because she is fruit-bearing, and he is the giver. This model is true, since it was bestowed with deep knowledge of nature and the universe. A woman is created for prosperity, fruiting, a man is created for concentrating and releasing energy. The woman did not fight with her husband, she lived according to the principle: “I live in the house that my husband gave me, I cook the food that my husband got, I live according to my husband and family, because I am part of the husband, the heart of the family. At the same time, I am the mistress of the house. And the husband is the boss outside the home; it is no coincidence that among the Slavs, husband comes from the word “may or may not.” This model was based on equality and fundamentally reflected the development of society. A woman was born worthy of: life, beauty and love, a good husband (healthy, strong, able to provide for a family, etc.), a dowry corresponding to the level of the family, the fact that she cannot carry a family on herself, and without a husband she will not become complete , in order to transfer one’s body to someone who will take care of it (preserving virginity), social realization was limited (by gender, belonging to the environment). Then came the stage of implanted Christianization in Rus' and the destruction of the basis of equality between men and women. If you read the “Veles Book”, you will find that many peoples tried to conquer the Slavs, these were the Romans and the Khazars, and the Greeks and many other barbaric and cruel warriors attacked the Slavs, who lived harmoniously. “Also, the Greeks wanted to conquer us in Khorsun, and we fought sternly against our slavery. And that great war and battle lasted thirty years, and they left us (alone). Then the Greeks came to our markets andThey offered to exchange our cows for ointments and silver, which are needed by children and wives. Soon the exchange began. But both now and in the future, the Greeks were looking for weakness in us, looking for how to take us into captivity. But we will not weaken and will not give up our land, just as we did not give up Trojan’s land to the Romans!” Then an infiltration was undertaken on a mental level, when baptism was introduced en masse, forcibly killing Russian people and destroying their culture. In the “Book of Veles” you can see confirmation of this: “Glory to our gods! We have true faith, which does not require human sacrifice. This is done by the Varangians, who always brought it, calling Perun Parkun, and sacrificed to him. We give field sacrifices and from our labors - millet, milk and fat. It is the Greeks who say all sorts of things about us, as if we offer human sacrifices. But this is false speech, for this is truly not so: we have different customs. Only he who wants to trample on another speaks evil about him.” 2. “A woman is a vessel of sin, the embodiment of evil, the devil” Christianity has introduced its two main distortions: 1. We are the children of Eve and Adam (and not our gods and a single creator), which means we are sinful from the beginning, since Eve tasted the fruit poisoned by the serpent. 2. We killed Christ, which means we forever bear sin in our hands. Moreover, all this teaching was false and had little to do with the task of Jesus, who came with one goal: “To return the 12 lost tribes of Israel to the source,” it was pleasing to the authorities, the Roman Catholic Church, in order to enslave the Russian people, after planting the woman began to carry role, she became from the daughter of God to the slave of God, forever atone for her sins, and her life turned from Joy, connection with the one omnipresent creator into suffering, a woman is a vessel of sin, the devil, she is dirty, must be submissive, serve, remain silent . She can be humiliated physically and mentally. From here came sexual violence, physical and psychological violence and the fear of being born female.3. “Woman-mother” is a bias towards the function of procreation when Christianity passed into the Orthodox movement. The woman was elevated to “Mother” after the arrival of Sergius of Radonezh, who partially restored the significance of the feminine principle in the world. But nevertheless, a woman gave birth in sin, she lived in sin, sex was sinful, and happiness and joy were perceived as evil. Motherhood was idealized and this was the only thing valued in a woman. Who could a humiliated woman produce, what kind of offspring? 4. “The woman is a peasant. Servant, slave." Then serfdom was imposed on the humiliated people, who were forever sinful, forever in their slavery. And the woman from the Slav, the glorious daughter of the Creator of existence, became a peasant, a servant and a slave, suffering and giving birth in pain, like Eve, who had nothing to do with our people. Serfdom and depersonalization, together with the model “Woman is a mother, a vessel of sin,” turned a woman into a suffering creature focused on: patience, martyrdom, suffering; motherhood as the main goal, inability to protect oneself and children, large families, life in them is full of hardship and pain, suffering and fear; slavery in the family; the need to serve and care;4. In modern times, the bias from a woman as a slave goes to the other extreme - “a woman is a comrade.” Universal Soldier. Some kind of robot. An equal partner to a man, a person who is focused on equality in the factory, at work, in sports, at school. A woman who can compete everywhere and can ultimately do without a man and a partner, she becomes lonely. No faith in the conscious universe, a complete rejection of religion and any spiritual foundations. 5. Feminist is an extreme version of life. I do everything myself. An even more radical tendency is the refusal to bear children and live for oneself. Same-sex relationships, which are also introduced to us as a norm, when this is a complete fall of the soul. This complete destruction of the feminine principle reached its limit when post-war women had to raise the country, after almost everyone was killed. 8 904 373 3229
