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From the author: Script for the radio program "Frankie Show" (March 2010), written by Vladislav Lebedko together with the actor playing Crazy Frankie - Vadim Demchog (also a transpersonal psychologist, author of the book "The Self-Liberating Game" JOKER (script for the radio show ) Vadim Demchog, Vladislav Lebedko 1Greetings, my dear people.. today I plan to invite you to a place that is simply impossible to imagine, imagine, see.. and, as always, I wonder what kind of place this is, right Maestro, and what? , actually a trump card? “..Ah, worms! I have to go.. - I’m hitting.. - Can’t you wait? - I’ll take it.. - He’s beaten us all around! - Hey, death! You’ve really cheated. - Shut up, you’re stupid! and young. And it’s not for you to catch me.. After all, we don’t play for money, But just to spend eternity!” Just an incredible epigraph to our today’s extravaganza of meanings, right? After all, it is this amazing basis of the universe, the nature of which today no one can describe. one self-respecting physicist, because this basis is no longer located at any specific point, wave or particle... does not move from place to place like a small ball! but as if dissolved in space, and present everywhere at the same time! and describe this very basis of the universe, or, as it is fashionable to say now, the multiverse! more than impossible! after all, our thinking itself is connected with language and visual images that are formed by three-dimensional experience... and if someone now undertakes to describe the behavior of particles lying, as we are accustomed to thinking, in a linear plane, in a linear language, this will lead to more than strange statements! and modern physics, as we all see, is already throwing up its hands, admitting that the basis of everything is not even the particle itself, but only the possibility of its presence! and in the words of Paracelsus from Borges’ story: “What have I not tried in my life! but now I have only one thing left - what the Almighty used, creating the heavens, the earth and the invisible Paradise.. and you think that I mean the word.. no, my dears.. - Her Majesty the number..” And this is so Sounds funny, right? After all, until the ruthless onset of postmodernism, we all lived in the structure of the text, right? on the territory of language, and are accustomed to appealing to something even more or less visible! but probably the language, and in particular the word, also no longer withstand the depth and volume of meanings about the nature of the world that are unpacked right before our eyes... but this is all just for starters, to whet the appetite... As for the rules, you are all already well aware of them aware.. three winners.. the very first two to correctly name the name of my role today receive the “100 and 1 life” disc! And the most explosive one is my book “CLOSED YOUR EYES AND LOOK”, with my personal autograph! + each of the prize-winners will receive a book by the author of today's script, which one you will find out at the end of the show! That's all, my dears! and get ready for the fact that today I will launch you almost into a nuclear reactor! Maestro knocks down the topic, and show time.. 2So, ladies and gentlemen, common truths are usually pronounced loudly, clearly, with emphasis, right? they have poster-like, sharply outlined faces... while non-capital ones fall into the river of consciousness like raindrops! giving birth to so many meaningful circles on the water surface.. and, as always, it sounds so addictive... Ohhh, wonderful, my dear.. again something stimulating to inner vision.. just wonderful.. and here it is this majestic roof of the world, standing on which is the only way to survey my current versatility, etc. diversity.. So, ladies and gentlemen, my story today began more than a long time ago.. although some of you may remember these exciting times when people of high consciousness began to note that the world was being flooded with masses who were already more than incapable experience the interconnectedness of the whole! and now, they are already recognizing the danger of self-destruction! and, guided by their farsightedness, they are already encrypting the basic laws of the universe into deep-sea images, burning 78 babies from their bodies, distributing these children to wanderers, and they are alreadyThey travel with these children to all corners of the world, as you can see! And it is clear that the children are so small that none of them even suspects what meanings they bear.. So, ladies and gentlemen, there is no convincing information about how this scenario developed further.. it is only known that at a certain point, all these (by this time already grown-up children) came together and gave the world the so-called. a new dimension.. And here they are, these endless versions of what civilization my current roots go to.. Some believe that my ancestry originated in India and China; others find their origins in the Moors and Arabs; still others - that the first offspring were brought to Europe by the ubiquitous gypsies; they also say that the crusaders brought them with them from Palestine... And now, one French occultist of the 17th century is already finding the origins of my genealogy in the ancient Egyptian dynasty, described almost in the Book of Thoth... having unearthed the facts that this is the only book surviving from the rage of Caliph Omar, who destroyed the Library of Alexandria, he claims that it was from here that the myth about me passed to the Greeks and Romans, and from them it spread further.. And so, Count de Saint-Germain, aka Edgar de Valcourt-Vermont, (by whom he just wasn’t) already connects my genealogy almost with the “Revelation” of John the Theologian.. and it was Saint Germain who came up with the idea of ​​​​collecting all the symbols of my today’s dynasty into one complete text.. (a controversial statement.. but let it remain on one’s conscience history).. A little later, Freemason Paul Christian, aka Jean-Baptiste Petois, having subordinated the symbols to a certain system, discovers some prophecies written by the sages of the past! and from this moment everything suddenly transfers to the plane of occult knowledge! and this territory, in terms of the scale of confusion and ambiguity, can only be compared with modern physics, as we all know... So, ladies and gentlemen, as you understand, there are a huge number of versions and assumptions - where did I come from! one thing is clear - today I am one of the most sparkling offspring of my legendary family! – the wildest, most daring and bouncy of the whole gang! the most elusive and charismatic! that in a split second you can be in any time and place! deprive everything of meaning, elevate it to the pinnacle of success, or mix it, sorry, with crap, or fill it with enlightening meanings right up to the hemorrhage! microphone in my mouth! put cancer on the highest-ranking gentlemen and ministers, the richest tycoons, and even kings and presidents! and now my portraits and figures are already being drawn and sculpted by artists of the Italian Renaissance... a century later, their example is followed by the French, who create the so-called Marseille clan... we move in Masonic and alchemical circles... Cagliostro himself gives extensive interpretations of our symbolism... we are treated with respect include members of the English Order of the Golden Dawn and many other eminent astrologers and occultists... at some point, hard times came for my family, members of my family were banned... the family was mercilessly exterminated, important figures disappeared from it every now and then, some for a long time are sent into exile, someone is sentenced to execution, or simply goes missing... and over time, the clan is reduced from 78 members to 52, and by the twentieth century to 32... but enough for an introduction to the topic.. your versions, my dears.. Maestro, let’s knock down the topic, throw the ball on the roulette.. and show time.. SHOW TIME! 3So, ladies and gentlemen, today, as you all already understand, I come from a more than deep-sea dynasty, which crumbles into a whole series of figures symbolizing the entire life cycle of the existence of man and humanity, from the first breath to the last... and when the next stage is exhausted , it is replaced by the next one, even more complex and deep, and so the end of one story is always the beginning of the next.. /////////////////// thank you, my dear.. and the whole world is again visible to the light... and through what, I wonder, devices should we look, so that the world appears to our gaze in its nakedness... all of you already find yourself in it, not as something isolated, not as smallballs.. but as if dissolved in space, and present everywhere at the same time.. do you feel it? So, my dears, as Aleister Crowley once said about me, on the one hand, today I embody the emptiness on the verge of becoming, on the other hand, the very result of becoming.. sounds more than paradoxical.. and what would you like to call it? comprehend? one of the occultists even calls me the very thought of God, which rose from the void, and only in order to then go back into it... And here, be especially careful, since we are already standing on the threshold of this amazing question, what sooner or later, arises in any head, even the most unencumbered by intellect: “Why would someone or something even take on a form and become aware of itself, and then dissolve again into the formless?” It is also believed that at the end of the cycle the entire Universe will dissolve in me... that is, you are dealing almost with Alpha and Omega, do you understand what we are talking about? So, my dears, we all, of course, want to know the truth in such a way that we can rest happily on it, right? so that it is convenient and portable? but the truth does not want such an understanding of itself... it is alive, beautiful, and original... and, as it seems, it is not given to us at all for pleasure and peace... However, I was drawn to poetry, which, however, is not surprising - today’s me may be drawn to anything.. now, for example, I feel a craving for the high abstractions of modern postmodern philosophy.. After all, it was in the depths of this philosophy in the 70s of the 20th century that the genius of a Frenchman named Gilles Deleuze exploded, as you may have heard, the human worldview, that before him rested on the model of the world as something hierarchically ordered (at the top is the absolute transcendental truth, below are the levels of values ​​that follow each other in a certain hierarchical order... and so on until the very bottom of hell... and breaking through precisely this architecture, Deleuze saw the world.. how should I say it - decentralized! i.e. with a network organization and framed this vision in the image of the so-called Rhizome.. I hope you heard this word.. if not, don’t be alarmed, now I’ll try to create a visible one! an image of this.. Imagine a labyrinth in which each path has a chance to intersect with any other.. But unlike the classic labyrinth, at the threshold of which Ariadne’s thread is immediately given to our hand, leading to the exit - here this thread is not there! how there is neither center nor periphery.. The apparent chaos of the Rhizome.. actually contains the possibilities of an infinite number of transmutations and connections! And why am I hanging on for so long describing this strange abstraction? - one of you will ask now... and then, according to some psychoanalysts, this is the home of me today... you haven’t lost hope of unraveling my name today, right? And, as they say, come in if you’re not scared... but remember, here, at any moment in time, any line of your thoughts and associations can collide in the most unpredictable way with the thoughts of millions of other players... and explode into a monstrously powerful image! Why are you frozen on the threshold? are you coming in or not? ahh, you need to think, great.. you have one single minute to think.. Maestro, in the meantime, you entertain us with something.. switch channels.. yeah.. this is where we can hang.. show time.. 4So, ladies and gentlemen, as you know, I sometimes treat myself to this kind of delicacy - I wake up in the roles not of people, or even gods, but of some mysterious archetypes.. Carl Gustav Jung, for example, very accurately noted that the symbolism of my current image is multi-level and has many options for understanding and interpretation! and it is no coincidence that some philosophers see one meaning in me, others another... esotericists and various kinds of astrologers and fortune tellers - the third, fifth and tenth! Oh, what is this, my dear? I have a feeling that I am already becoming that very force that cannot be imagined as a wave or particle.. do you feel it? and is already dissolved in each of you, and my voice already sounds almost from... yes, yes... put your hand in your heart..maybe from here? or from here? and each of you, as the most sensitive ones feel now, is woven from myriads of me that are tearing you apart with their furious inconsistency... and at the same time you want to run in different directions... and that’s exactly how I act today, when I’m driving my crazy another victim.. Remember what was called Veltan-shaung Krik in Nazi ideology? – a war for a view of the world! Now the world lives in the American version of Veltan-shaung.. and it is precisely times like these that are characterized by the emergence of the so-called. hackers of the unconscious! - that they swell out of nowhere... and my appearance today in the force fields of your consciousness is not even accidental, right? and the fact that my voice sounds from somewhere inside means, no more, no less, but the fact that you have entered a completely new period of your life! and every cell of your body is an already open door, through which, with touching surprise, and, oddly enough, trust, you can go out into new dimensions! and most importantly, without even having an idea of ​​what you will have to face in these new dimensions! And my mission today, of course, is to encourage you to realize that the crisis has never come and will never go away! the crisis is me! I am not somewhere outside, but inside each of you! and that is why you can no longer rely on the old norms and patterns of unconscious attitude towards the fact that you yourself create this world, launch self-enslaving programs yourself! and here, of course, you can spread out molasses of comforting words... persuading you to wake up, etc. Or you can just move closer to your ear and whisper very quietly, if you call my name right now, then it won’t hurt! if you don’t name it, then your keys will never fit the old doors again! and this, of course, will cause panic in your mind, and even drive overly hysterical people crazy! and, as always, it’s interesting how I’ll do this trick with you today! So, ladies and gentlemen, my playfulness today is like the carefreeness of a child who still remembers the cosmic laws! My entire being is filled with a terrifying uninitiated wisdom of unpredictability, in which there is not and never has been a rational basis for the material understanding of the world! and to understand all this, of course, is not as easy as we would like... but did you, as always, think that everything would be chewed up and crammed into your stomach? that truth is something that is tasty and ready to be digested? so that you have no choice but to flush it down the drain? So, my dears, here I am! - the one that stands among the sky-high heights of mountain peaks, shrouded in a bluish haze, on the edge of a steep cliff... as if suspended over an abyss... The sun is still gilding the glaciers of the peaks with pink light, as you can see, but below the destructive darkness is already beginning to thicken... and deep the valleys are already gaping like a black abyss... My appearance is more than strange! time has made my once bright outfit fade and turned it into an earthy, reddish-yellow shroud fluttering in the wind.. I carelessly do not look at my feet! and has already raised his leg over the cliff... in my right hand there is a staff on which I don’t even lean... with my left I hold a stick on which a knapsack with surprises and riddles dangles behind my shoulders... And my whole carefree appearance on the needle of undoubted death points to 100 % width, as we all understand! or do you have other versions for all these accounts? show time, my dears.. show time! 5So, ladies and gentlemen, in some of my portraits I am depicted with a blindfold, which symbolizes, as someone already understands, my ability, instead of generally accepted logic, to act according to my inner vision, using the so-called. intuitive wisdom! and who might now draw parallels between me today and a certain book called “Close Your Eyes and Look” that recently appeared on the shelves of bookstores.. ///////////////// O wonderful, my dear.. again this amazing dance of intra-atomic visions.. and the walls of the office of Silver Rain five dissolve in the web of everything connecting threads with everything.. simply incredible.. and as alwaysI wonder how it’s a miracle, tram-tara-ram to see... what to comprehend? I’m also often depicted in a jester’s cap with donkey ears! and ask each other who knows better than me today that stupidity is the highest knowledge! My multi-colored suit, like a pattern in a kaleidoscope, constantly twists into a rainbow wheel, which is constant, i.e. continuously, and right before the eyes of the astonished public, it is reassembled and reinstalled, adapting to the emerging paradoxes! turning everything out everywhere with meanings that are red-hot to the point of burns! In some holograms, with the air of a serious scientist, I hold a mirror in my hand, the reflection in which is bursting with red-hot heat and a tongue that seems to be jumping out! microphone in my mouth! A simple rattle often jingles in my hands! And now, attention, a question! – tell me – do you remember when I first came into your life? No? oooh, that's a big mistake! and, of course, we need to work with this! Tell me, do you remember the grimace of your three-year-old son (or daughter, it doesn’t matter) when they threw a plate of food on the floor, grinning cheerfully, looking straight into your eyes, waiting for what you would do now! - well, remember! this grimace is sometimes accompanied by sticking out the tongue! Great, we remembered! and this was undoubtedly my very first test, the results of which, of course, I will decipher for you right now: if you reacted to this prank tolerantly, with humor, then later I will mold this child into a mischievous, agile, jumping, humorous attitude towards life's obstacles! if you cracked the baby with a spoon, spelt! - in fierce edifying conviction! - then rest assured, lurking darkly inside, I will one day throw his whole life to the ground, just as I once threw a plate of porridge in childhood! – just to get rid of the tormenting internal prohibition! do you know what I mean? So, ladies and gentlemen, today I am the one who embodies the so-called. concept of zero! and zero, although in itself means nothing, when combined with other numbers, it increases their meaning thousands of times! And now, someone is already calling me almost the fifth element! that, mocking everyone and everything, juggles your deepest desires, from time to time revealing its bright root cause with a shining halo over the jester's cap! but if you become attached to the bright side of me, beware that at the most inopportune moment, I will make you, sorry, crap yourself! suddenly pulling out all the springs from the sphincter! and having discovered this smell, some of you, of course, will call me a maniac and a madman! but in fact, a maniac is one who is fixated on the meaningless, and no longer working, rules of the game (that is, all of you).. And now, having heard from one of you who just hit an unimaginable jackpot on the roulette of life, words of gratitude, I’ll be pleasantly surprised - after all, I didn’t even intend to help you! and this, you see, is the only position when someone can really help another! and here I am, my dears! gracefully jumping from one value system to another, venomously inciting everyone to play against everyone, muttering along the way: “Even in life on the edge, even somewhat beyond the edge, we play our role even by not playing..” The one who constantly enjoys a crime of established norms and orders! and yet each of you, if I am already in your deck! keeps me as a super-talisman, just as jesters and scoffers were kept at court! So, ladies and gentlemen, spontaneity is, of course, a great sin! I'm not even talking about the gift itself - suddenly replacing any card in a situational scenario! thereby terrifying the characters who have been honing the architecture of the universe for centuries! and today, of course, I am the greatest traitor in the world! proud of it! and, of course, not experiencing the slightest pangs of conscience for his actions! and most likely I don’t have it at all! and do you know why? – being burdened with conscience – it is impossible to truly help others! that's the trick... although you should all have your own versions of all these accounts! showtime, my dears! showtime! 6So, ladies andgentlemen, as you probably know, many people want and even try to play me today.. Hollywood in general loves my image very much.. but here, for some reason, they endow me with a more than repulsive appearance.. according to the scriptwriters’ ideas, I am every now and then I fall into tanks of toxic waste... after which my appearance becomes completely disfigured... or, as a result of unsuccessful plastic surgery, the tips of my mouth end up sewn to my ears! or someone in a street brawl rips my mouth open, from ear to ear! so the tongue sticks out all the time... etc. and so on. thank you, my dear.. just wonderful pictures of the pre-sunset Gotham.. My traditional look: green hair, white face, red lips, as if eaten by leprosy.. and, of course, the signature black eyeliner, spreading in different directions of the eye sockets.. Usually, I’m dressed in an expensive, but already shabby purple suit, dirty white gloves... and I have a constant, even with pain, like a broken smile on my face! And, here he is - the most persistent of all the actors who tried to get into my skin today and play more or less to the fullest! and which, by the end of filming, I simply pushed into the abyss of an overdose, so natural in desire! Yes Yes! this happens too! Actors are not always in control of their roles! sometimes roles are worth something! ...why are you so pale, my dears? and in general – why so serious? and perhaps psychology professor Ami Holly-ngs-worth is right - when she says that it was through the doors of this artist’s soul that today’s me really entered, crawled, burrowed, bit into the reality of your world! and this is exactly the case when the archetype used the Hollywood stage in order to mix the reality of the screen with the realities of its stupid, stupid, stupid... viewers! But something unpredictable happens in your life again! and you again shrink from the intractability of the mysteries and contradictions that have befallen you, which cause emotions of total depression! and what actually happened? After all, you just had four aces in your hands! you were already standing almost at the top! and at one moment everything turned upside down for some reason! and who, I wonder, set it all up? - I ask, sarcastically turning over my shoulder, already looking straight into your soul.. And here she is - this disgusting, poisonously buffoonish mug, with a loose mouth and black mascara smeared on her cheeks, as if her eyes were crumbling from powder.. And like that one the child who threw a plate of porridge in your face ten minutes ago, I am already asking mockingly: “why, why so serious? smiley please! smile immidetly! and your hand, of course, is already squeezing this very spoon in order to hit this vile face with all its might! and hit the hat on the floor! so that he would never again be able to break our such a grandiose architecture of the planned future! but for some reason the spoon hangs in the air... the eyes suddenly fall somewhere deep inside! - and that same memory... from your own childhood already pops up in your consciousness! and that very moment when, through the burn on your forehead, you first felt me ​​in you! and having turned over three times in the cranial pan, your brain is already discarding all the rules that were once memorized... and the sky, covered in the blackness of hopelessness, is already being torn apart by a blade of light that suddenly blinds you! and in a wild improvisation, having grabbed this very beam, like a bungee, you yourself, without understanding how this happens, in an instant you fly to the completely different side of this monstrous internal conflict... and I see one of you is already smiling... wonderful. .very familiar, right? and someone, on the contrary, has withdrawn into himself... don’t be jealous, my dears... you will encounter all this more than once in your life! and you will still have the opportunity to experience the electric discharges of all these sensations! and in one world left without skin! hear the mocking whisper of my volcanically swollen mouth! and take a sip of that same lava! from which all former values ​​turn into dust and ashes! So, my dears, here it is - my face! that is already looking at you through the mirror! one!
