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Have you noticed that in moments when you are in touch with yourself and accept yourself, the people around you seem friendly and beautiful. A variety of appearance types, a variety of facial features, even age - everything seems beautiful .At such moments I like to walk and sometimes I look at someone so much that I can’t tear myself away - it’s such an aesthetic pleasure. And there are days when we are “on the verge” and it seems that life has not gone well, and the people around are angry or stupid and weak. At such moments, we involuntarily have a standard of quality by which we define people and quite quickly begin to criticize and evaluate others. This is how the psychological mechanism of projection works. We can feel our internal processes through the external, if we find obstacles to live our “complex” feelings and emotions directly. For example, we can be angry with someone, but we are afraid of losing this relationship or we are afraid of becoming an aggressor in his eyes, then there is no way to legally express anger with this person. But we can “transfer” her on others and then see them as hostile. Moreover, we can unconsciously create situations in which people will actually be irritated and angry with us. And then we receive confirmation of our projection that this person is evil and thus the psyche is trying to “legalize” these emotions. And everything would be fine if At the same time, the feelings would leave us and relief would come, but unfortunately, not everything is so simple, the more our anger, fear and other “complex” feelings are projected onto others, i.e. we repeatedly discover them in those around us, the deeper they take root and the more they corrode us. And if the story “the world is hostile, people are evil and stupid” happens to you often, then it’s worth thinking about. Liberation comes when we unfold and regain these projections, we appropriate the reflected feelings and live them. One of the tasks of a psychologist is to help see and environmentally appropriate these rejected experiences. And then there is an opportunity to discover that in this situation it is not someone who is hostile to me, but it is me who is angry, and not someone weak and stupid, but I cannot cope with something and attack myself, devaluing. It is at this point that transformation occurs.
