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Spring every now and then reminds us of feminine qualities. As soon as the snow melts, buds on the branches are visible, which means soon there will be green leaves, shoots, grass, flowers. How much power in nature remained throughout the winter, how easily this potential is revealed, giving birth to something new, multiplying what already exists. This is how every woman has this amazing power that gives birth to a new life. Yandex.Picture. In general, lately there has been a lot of talk about feminine power, which is important to reveal. It’s difficult to argue, since indeed every person has his own strength, talent, and powerful energy of purpose. In a woman, the primary purpose is the power of birth. A woman, like an unopened flower, has a bud in her inner essence from birth. Which from the moment of conception is formed by absorbing all the forces. The parents form each petal in this bud. While still pregnant, the mother places this bud in her girl, what it will be like depends on her. What thoughts come to the mother, what she wants for her child, what she dreams about, what feelings she experiences, everything creates a strong energy of imprinting in the very heart. The birth of a girl is the formation of an entire universe of a huge resource capable of creating this world. It is the woman who creates it with her inner strength, conveying her impressions of this world at the level of feelings. The mother forms and lays down the basic knowledge, experience, and feelings known to her. The father gives a state of security and love in which the girl only transforms her capabilities into creative ones. Father and mother are enormous forces that enable a flower girl to form a stable core of value guidelines. And then life itself tells you who you are. Not everything is so smooth in this fairy tale, since every woman’s story has its “buts”. And if good intentions gave this girl the opportunity to reveal the inner essence with which she came into the world, then she will not need to pretend to be someone else, look for support in others, and create metal shackles to her feminine power. She will simply present herself to the world as she inherently is. Revealing more and more of your capabilities. However, this notorious “but” makes its own adjustments and leads the tale along a different path. When mom didn’t want, didn’t love, didn’t know, couldn’t and carried all the sorrows of her life, the life of her mother, the experience and beliefs with which her daughter survives in this world. When the fathers did not understand, did not know, could not create that cozy world, that security, that confidence. When a girl came into this world with existing knowledge, she learned new things, captured, recorded, drew conclusions and formed a strong defense for her strength. Yandex.Image. A strong woman is one who knows her true value, has the inner harmony to create, inspire, create, to multiply, this is a treasury of a huge resource, these are blooming feelings, this is a bright light, this is fullness. Every woman who does not yet know her strength reveals her essence, reveals her enormous abilities, when there is a strong man nearby, protecting, warming, appreciating, giving. However, men are often ungrown boys, wounded by their history, shrouded in their impressions and fixations of this world for whom it is important to grow, become stronger, and create the power of their strength in order to realize their destiny. Together they could create a new, beautiful, strong future. A weak woman loses the fragrance of her flower, for various reasons, not finding support and opportunities from her parents, she adapts to this world as it is in order to survive. Surviving and defending itself, it loses much of its charming appearance, gaining the capabilities necessary for survival, including thorns, ugliness and homeliness, repulsive aromas, poisonous juices, etc. And in each of them there still lives a little flower, reaching for happiness. Yandex.Picture. When fathers forget to tell their daughter that you are the most beloved, tender, affectionate child, when they do not protect him, inflicting wounds, is there any other possibility left for the flower, if not.
