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To put it mildly, I don’t really like cooking, but I always keep this topic in the focus of my attention. Since childhood, I liked “canteen cutlets” and my mother did not understand why I didn’t eat delicious “home cooking”. Since my mother cooked a lot and deliciously, I got used to eating tasty food. I didn’t want to learn to cook myself; it was only after I got married that all my mother’s abilities came into play; I also make delicious meat cutlets and also don’t like to eat them (canteen ones are tastier). For the most part, I make food technically and mechanically, and if I need to cook 3 times a day, then I switch to “automatic” mode. When family members are somewhere (with relatives, on a business trip, or otherwise), I don’t go to the store or buy food or cook anything for myself. I'll drink tea and feel good. But, I have the knowledge that I cook deliciously. I can gain this knowledge based on my taste and listening to the responses of family and friends. Sometimes inspiration comes to me and I start making dumplings, baking pies, creative flights in the kitchen captivate me for a couple of days and then I again go into “automatic” mode. I noticed that my creative flights come when I have free time, I’ve had enough sleep, I don’t have to go anywhere and I don’t have to do anything. Lying lazily in bed, I’m thinking about what to do - “shouldn’t I wash the windows, make dumplings, do some general cleaning and renovations in the apartment for a long time and I’ve been asking loudly...” Being in a pleasant state of choice, focusing on my condition, quite often I choose a kitchen. At these moments I like her, I am the queen there, everything is under control and my sensitive attention. All the cups shine with their clean barrels, the tabletop glows in the rays of the sun, the stove sparkles, all things are laid out in their places, that is, in those that I have assigned them. Here's an amazing thing: all family members know a place for every item in the kitchen. Sometimes it seems to me that in their hands the object takes on different features and begins to behave completely differently. It seems like I’ve just washed everything, put it beautifully in its place, I’m in a state of pleasure and admiration - how beautiful! A child comes in, carefully pours water into a glass and puts it back - and the view is different. If my husband also comes in, puts on the kettle and makes us coffee, it will look different again... How can this be, I am constantly perplexed... I return attention to my culinary abilities. The main question is - how do I know that I cook deliciously? From myself - I like to eat what I have prepared or not. And from those people who eat the food I prepared. They give their response - somewhere they ask for more or they don’t eat enough, leave it on the plate or throw it away (that is, I observe their behavior) or they say out loud (Wow, how delicious! Ew, what disgusting.). Example - I have a day off, inspiration gently knocked on the door, the rays of the autumn sun gently warm me and my kitchen (at the same time demonstrating that it’s time to wash the windows). We'll put the windows aside until the next inspiration and move on to the kitchen. Before I cook, I like to wash everything (except the windows). Surrounded by cleanliness and silence (it is important for me that it be quiet, at this moment even my family does not bother me). Plunging into the magic of creativity, peace and quiet, I take a master's glance at the scope of the tasks assigned and it begins... it's like diving into a warm and gentle sea, you feel that you are becoming part of a huge world - knives are cutting, vegetables are peeling, broth is boiling, dough is infusing, the oven is heating up... drum roll - the table is set! Borsch, roast, pies with jam, fish pie are covered with a kitchen towel. The aroma of fresh baked goods fills the entire apartment, the hungry eyes of relatives are already screaming - it’s time for dinner! With a pleasant feeling of satisfaction, I mentally note “Hurray, I don’t have to cook for three days.” How I love it when we sit at the table as a family. It's a shame that this rarely happens. Some have studies/classes/outings, others have work/business trips and other concerns. We always set a large table for all holidays, lay out a tablecloth and.
