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The next stage of development - from 6 to 11 years - is the time when a child develops a sense of competence (the ability to organize the learning process) or incompetence (inferiority). The principle of favorable development is the same - to inspire self-confidence, encourage independence, explain what is good and what is bad. Only in addition to parents, teachers and peers begin to have a great influence on children. Naturally, if a child was taught independence and initiative before school, he has every chance of developing a sense of competence. Conversely, if the previous stages were completed unsuccessfully, learning problems may arise. If a child is capable but does not want to learn, he is often accused of laziness. In fact, it is a feeling of powerlessness and fear of failure. Feelings of guilt, shame and incompetence acquired at a young age are the main reasons for “laziness.” So, the child does not study well. He is accused, shamed, scolded, punished. And the baby feels discomfort, rejection, injustice. Resists it. And now there are complaints about behavior...More punishments. The circle closes. The feeling of inferiority and undesirable character traits are reinforced. Therefore, the reason is not the child’s ill will, but the mistakes of upbringing. Errors can occur for various reasons. For example, it is quite common for a non-working mother or grandmother to do homework with a child, thereby involuntarily supporting the childishness of the little schoolchild. But, if the baby becomes independent, then the relationship will have to be built in a new way, and then what will they themselves do to feel important? And if mom has time and goes to work, how will her husband react to changes in her status? The newness is frightening, the parents maintain the outdated way of existence, and the child is accused of unwillingness to learn. The natural question is: What to do? The first necessary step is taking responsibility for what the child is like. He is what we ourselves have made to him. It is our creation just like a culinary dish – what you put in is what you get out. Of course, we wanted the best. Perhaps behind every mistake we make is love... Love will help, without reproaching ourselves for past and future mistakes, to build kind and warm relationships. And only on their basis - education, requirements, discipline.
