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There are so many ways to make big money that our eyes literally run wild. That is why we cannot budge. Continuing year after year to put up with low incomes and with our work, in which we have no prospect of any career heights. People rush chaotically from one way to “become a millionaire” to another, without ever bringing any of them to its logical conclusion. And what’s worse is that most often they choose fraudulent schemes for “quick” money and “instant enrichment.” Which over and over again they leave them “at nothing” with a big hole in their pocket. In today’s article we’ll talk about what helps us have more money, and what is guaranteed to “take it away” from us. 1) Change the “pole” of the magnet Stop trying to “attract” money: instead, stop “pushing them away.” Instead of wanting to get rich quick, focus on avoiding financial problems. The point is, when you avoid (and resolutely refuse) all the things that “take” your money, then you will get rich automatically. Thanks to the fact that you will plug all those “holes” through which your money “scatters”. 2) The same advice will become either “cure” or “poison” When people come to me for advice on personal finance and investments, then I often give them different (sometimes completely opposite) recommendations regarding their actions with money. For example: I advise some clients to buy stocks (or real estate, gold and currency), while others categorically forbid them to do this. Why? Yes, because They have radically different financial situations. And for some, stocks are ideal and will become the missing link in their investment portfolio, while for others they will become a real disaster. 3) Thrift is a virtue Uncontrolled spending will ruin any millionaire (and even dollar billionaire). Buy only what is written in your budget for the coming month (and year - regarding major purchases). Buy what you really need (and not what advertising, friends and colleagues think you need). 4) Experiences bring more happiness than things Down with shopaholism and philistinism! Things become cheaper, wear out and are thrown away. Vivid impressions remain with us for the rest of our lives (as, indeed, do “income assets” that allow us to pay for new experiences). 5) And finally - how to be guaranteed to go broke For this, firstly, “eat up » entire salary and live beyond your means, that is, “spending more than you earned.” Secondly, instead of risk-balanced portfolio investments, invest in only one instrument or financial pyramid. Additionally: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest? TOP 3 most dangerous places for your money.” I will be grateful for your likes and reposts of this article. Author of the article - Alexander Evstegneev, personal finance expert, author of 20 books on financial literacy, investor with 25 years of experience
