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In any social environment, team, there are people who do not fit general social stereotypes. Such people have a different value system, different from the general social mass. Sometimes the character and behavior of a child is influenced by the family. But she is not the only influencing factor. Sometimes children find themselves in stressful situations, undergo serious life trials that distort their perception of life and change their priorities. And there are children who are born with a sensitive, vulnerable psyche, with already innate unusual abilities. All this leaves an imprint on the construction of their relationships with society. Each social environment has certain formats of behavior. They are modeled by that part of people who are the majority or who have the strongest influence due to certain specific character traits and their status. And if a person who enters the environment does not correspond to these formats, he is called a “black sheep.” It is convenient to enter a team that has not yet formed. This makes it easier to join in and find your niche, because when forming a team, all its members behave carefully, strive to establish communication, are more tactful, restrained and attentive to each other. Under such circumstances, the “black sheep” may stand out for its qualities, but may be more easily accepted into the circle of people. In this case, his non-standard thinking and behavior will not be harshly assessed by the people around him. If a child has become a “black sheep” in the world around him, then there is no need to reproach him for this. On the contrary, he needs to be helped to accept himself as he is and share with him his experience of how to build harmonious relationships with people around him, as well as support him morally. Because the children's environment can be very aggressive towards “white crows” and it can cause such children mental trauma, lower self-esteem and self-confidence. In such a situation, the child will have to overcome his fears and indecision, and develop stress resistance. Because it will be morally difficult for him to live in such conditions. And he will have only two options - either give up under environmental pressure and become a “ghost” or continue to work on himself, appreciate and respect himself, despite the negative assessments of people around him. Therefore, such unusual children need to be charged with your faith, praise, approval and told more often them about people, about the mechanisms and rules of communication, behavior in conflicts, and to deal with acute situations. If a child does not know people and does not know the rules for interacting with them, he will not be able to manage the situation and himself. You need to tell your child examples from your life and the lives of other people who have faced the same problem. Tell him how they solved this problem. You also need to make sure that the child does not develop arrogance in his relationships with others. So that he does not become arrogant and upstart. After all, this is exactly how some “white sheep” children try to increase their importance in the team, which causes hostility even more. This happens, for example, when the child is spiritually and intellectually developed. He is not interested in most of his classmates. And he automatically puts them below himself, showing it with all his appearance. A reasonable balance is needed in everything. Of course, “white crow” children should prove themselves in their studies, in some kind of skill, in order to be active, in full view of everything. But at the same time, it is worth listening to public opinion, not going against the entire team just because of principle, it is worth showing flexibility, understanding the causes of the conflict and always looking for a compromise, which is possible with the right approach to solving the problem. It is advisable for parents to talk with teachers, class leader and school psychologist, so that they help the child adapt to the team, correctly influence the students in the class in which the child is studying and support him. It rarely happens that no one in the team accepts the “black sheep” at all. Most often, there are people who are ready to communicate with such a person..
