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From the author: Continuation of the description of the characteristics of “new” children. Part 2 Clinical characteristics of Indigo children There are very few serious, in-depth studies of the clinical picture of Indigo children. Basically, most specialists who encounter such children diagnose them, often erroneously, with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), MBD (minimal brain dysfunction), MBD (mild brain dysfunction), mental retardation (mental retardation), or even EDA (early childhood autism) and schizophrenia. In addition, some experts argue that such children have completely different DNA. In connection with this, they exhibit some unusual features in physiology, psyche, behavior, abilities, knowledge, skills, methods of communication and communication. This chapter is devoted to consideration of these aspects. Candidate of Medical Sciences, clinical psychologist V.N. Pugach, conducting his research on Indigo children, revealed that some children have a temporary loss of attention, and some have a loss of consciousness [19]. Immaturity of the brain and information overload lead to extreme exhaustion of the nervous system, similar to “parabiosis N.E. Vvedensky" with its equalizing and paradoxical phases2. The equalizing phase in the work of the brain is when strong and weak signals are perceived equally. Paradoxical phase - a strong signal is perceived as weak, a weak one - as strong. Parents know that in such a state it is useless to shout at a child, he It’s as if he doesn’t hear. And vice versa, in the classroom the slightest noise is very distracting. New children have regular, short-term blackouts of the absans type (lat.). Moreover, such shutdowns are not noticeable to them from the inside. At this moment, the child’s brain rests and regains strength. These children have serious problems with reading, including dyslexia and alexia. The process of reading is associated with rapid brain exhaustion and general fatigue. Therefore, the child avoids reading on his own in every possible way. The number of such children is growing. The “broken mirror phenomenon”3 and the “slipping gaze phenomenon”4 were also found in such children. In Russia, 95% of children have severe birth injuries to the cervical spine. Dislocation of the cervical vertebrae leads to a persistent disruption of the blood supply to the brain, manifested, in particular, in vegetative-vascular dystonia. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is, among other things, fluctuations in intracranial pressure, sometimes higher or lower than the corporal pressure. Hence the polar behavior of the child. The phenomenon of a “broken mirror” lies in the fact that the near perception space in such children resembles a mirror with one or two vertical cracks and a changed angle of reflection. This vision of the world greatly interferes with reading, but is not recognized and is revealed during a special psychophysiological study. Distortion of the spaces of perception - distant space is distorted in the form of a parabola. Therefore, if you throw the ball straight, it is easily caught. And if it’s diagonal, they miss due to distortions of perception. Since June 2005, an increasing number of Indigo children have somehow acquired the ability to enter the information fields of planet Earth (noosphere). Such a student stands at the blackboard and confidently operates with numbers and facts, receiving information that is not in textbooks. As these children say, “the main thing is to leaf through the textbook before class.” Approximately every 2-3 years, the number of such children doubles. Summarizing all of the above, V.N. Pugach argues that an evolutionary leap is taking place in the development of humanity. Philologist Elena Miloradova, in her article “Indigo Children” [12], cites the opinion of some doctors that they tend to see behind the beautiful designation of such children, just the underdevelopment of the anterior region in the cortex of the frontal lobes (the area that controls human impulses and emotions) . This leads to the fact that it is difficult for them to purposefully concentrate their attention. Some psychiatrists argue that under hyperactivity syndrome in children, in factExcited mania or bipolar affective disorder is observed. At the same time, increased appetite, tirelessness, and a constant feeling of physical well-being are observed. Physical discomfort is easily tolerated; There is a high resistance to somatogenic hazards and insensitivity to respiratory viral infections. And in a number of cases, there is an increase in the instinctive sphere, sexual disinhibition, non-personalized aggressiveness, “cheerful anger,” and many other symptoms [13]. Without denying this, however, it should be noted that the Indigo phenomenon does not necessarily hide only such “dysfunctions” and that such dysfunctions are not necessarily inherent specifically to Indigo. V.N. Pugach, in turn, argues that psychiatrists sometimes incorrectly regard ADHD as “neurosis-like syndrome”, “psychopathic-like syndrome”, “mental retardation”, “mild mental retardation”. And many experts continue to identify “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” with “minimal brain dysfunction” [18]. Other researchers argue that new children have such a strongly developed right hemisphere that the two hemispheres interact weakly with each other. But the ability to process information in both hemispheres is fundamental to academic success. Children are often incapable of bilateral integration (crossing the midline of the body), which can lead to them being classified as mentally retarded or suffering from legasthenia [2]. In his book “Indigo Children – Our Future?” [6] psychologist M.A. Kurtysheva cites research data from Professor V.B. Tear that in children born in the last decade there has been a shift - an acceleration of the alpha rhythm. This means that today's children cannot do monotonous work; they are not “slowed down.” It is also noted that the majority of those born in the first half of the 90s. Children in the medical record were diagnosed with: partial alpha rhythm, extinction of alpha rhythm, or even absence of alpha rhythm. It is assumed that the psychophysical sphere of these children underwent adaptation and changes to our reality in this way. Academician V.P. Kaznacheev even proposed in those years a new definition for this phenomenon - “adaptation through illness.” Research conducted in Russia in 1996-1997. showed that many children have recently been diagnosed by specialists with dysrhythmia, or a disturbance in the rhythm of development and maturation of various psychosomatic structures of the body. Against the background of off-scale neuropsychic excitability, the child most often did not correspond to his biological age. Moreover, this manifested itself both to a lesser extent and to a greater extent. This was especially pronounced in boys. Moreover, all the children were mentally healthy [6]. Doreen Virtue, in her book “Caring for Indigo Children” [3] provides the results of a study of the brains of children who were branded with diagnoses of ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) that these children show greater activity and higher blood pressure in the occipital lobe of the brain, which is associated with vision and visual imagery. This is especially true whenever they focus on solving problems. Indigo children think and learn from mental images. There she also cites the results of a study of the night sleep of children with SUD and ADHD, which shows that the sleep of such children is more violent and restless than that of other children. French scientists believe that disturbing sleep can cause signs of ADHD in children. Doreen Virtue believes that insomnia is not only a symptom of ADHD, but also a possible cause of the symptoms that lead to such a diagnosis. In addition, these children experience a reduction in hours of night and daytime sleep. Night sleep seems to be divided into two parts. The child has difficulty falling asleep in the evening, suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night, and after a while falls asleep again until the morning5. Scientists from the Munich Instituterational psychology concluded that the human brain is changing so much at an accelerated pace that in fifty years we will have different human bodies that, based on different brain structures, will think differently, feel differently and act differently. Scientists from the Frankfurt Institute of Evolutionary Biology came to a similar conclusion [12]. Indigo children are often left-handed or ambidextrous. Their brains work differently from the brains of ordinary people. They perceive information not linearly (if “A”, then “B”, and if “B”, then “C”, etc.), but intuitively (simultaneously: “A” and “B”, and “ IN"). This kind of brain work contributes to a more objective view of all things in this world. Their brain is capable of processing a huge amount of information (from all analyzers simultaneously). This leads to faster learning than was previously the case in ordinary people. In a study at the University of California, some newborns were found to have an unusual type of DNA—four more DNA “springs” than other people. Scientists have found that the immunity of people with modified DNA is able to resist AIDS. The famous anthropologist, researcher, healer Drunvalo Melchizedek writes on the same topic in his books [10;11]. After researching the topic of unusual new children, he discovered that they had different abilities and capabilities. He divided such children into three categories: “psychic children” from China, “Indigo children” and “AIDS children”. “Psychic children”: In 1984, scientists conducted the following experiment: 100 Chinese psychic children were gathered in a room, a page was torn out of a book at random, crumpled up and placed under the child’s armpit - and all the children were able to easily read every word on the page. Test followed test, but the answers were correct. Children were also identified who could read (read information) with other parts of the body (foot, palm, ears, etc.)6. This phenomenon has been discovered in other countries. Many other phenomenal superpowers were discovered in these children. “Children of AIDS”: about 15 years ago, an HIV-infected child was born in the United States. Immediately after birth, and also at the age of 6 months and one year, tests were carried out on his blood, which showed the presence of the AIDS virus. However, the result of a blood test for a child aged 6 years did not reveal the presence of the virus. As a result of further research, it turned out that this child had altered DNA. He was found to have four more codons activated than in normal people. Further research revealed that this child had immunity from many incurable diseases, including AIDS and cancer. Later, more and more such children began to be discovered. According to the University of California, which tracks DNA tests around the world, today such children make up about 1% of the world's population. “Indigo Children” are children who may have characteristics of both the first and second groups.D. Melchizedek draws attention to the fact that more children with superpowers are born in the east. Children with altered DNA are in the West. And the reason for this is not yet clear. Physicists and physiologists, in the course of studying the “inner world” of children, discovered that the range of electromagnetic vibrations emanating from the bodies of Indigo children ranges from 3,222,000 to 11,350,000 Hz, while in an ordinary person it is three times less [ 4]. Other medical studies have proven that the internal organs of these children also have features. Their liver is more adapted to the current unfavorable environment and the food consumed. These children can be very picky when it comes to nutrition. They can get by on very little food and tend to eat small meals only when they are hungry. A balanced and proper diet is very important for them. Their body sensitively senses what and how much it needs at the moment. Some authors [21;22] note that new children have an unusual reaction tosome medicines and food. In such children, “polar” is observed, i.e. opposite reaction to some medications. Stimulants make you calm, and sedatives make you excited. It has been observed that hypoglycemia is one of the most common diseases in children with behavioral problems [22]. The child may be excited or irritable immediately after waking up, but calms down after breakfast. Russian researcher, psychologist V.N. Pugach, while conducting his research, also noticed a relationship between the amount of sugar in the blood and the behavior of children. In his test [21], which he offers, he advises (test 1): remove sweets from the child’s diet for at least 60 hours and observe his behavior. After this, arrange a “belly festival” for your child, give him as much sweets as he can fit. If after this the child turns into a “rabid rabbit”, then he is very sensitive to sweets, and it is necessary to strictly follow a diet and limit the amount of sugar intake. At the first stage of the test, according to his observations, approximately 30-35% of children become somewhat balanced and calm. For the rest, no significant changes are observed. In the second stage, approximately 45-55% of children become hyperexcitable and hyperactive. The rest of the children have typical behavioral reactions for a given child. In the same article, V.N. Pugach cites data from Spanish scientists who have proven that sugar is really dangerous for brain function. A scientific connection has been established between ADHD and food dyes, sugar and preservatives. At least 17 studies have confirmed the effect of food dyes on hyperactivity and insomnia, especially in children [22]. Thus, in one study it was found that 150 out of 200 children began to sleep better, become less irritated and behave more calmly after synthetic dyes were excluded from their diet. Researchers from Yale University measured the level of adrenaline in the blood of children before and after consuming refined sugar. It turned out that after taking sugar, the level of adrenaline in the blood soars tenfold! According to sources citing an article in the Pediatric Journal, hyperactive children have lower serotonin levels than others. A decrease in serotonin levels often leads to apathy, depression, and gluttony. Children who took magnesium supplements showed significant reductions in hyperactivity. One study found that children with ADHD were deficient in magnesium, iron, copper, and calcium. A number of modern studies confirm that children with ADHD also suffer from a lack of fatty acids [22]. Other studies [7] show that children with suspected ADHD who took complex vitamins and minerals began to behave more calmly and balancedly, and their academic success increased. Moreover, such children became more sociable and cheerful. Another remedy that contributes to a more balanced and harmonious state of such children is blue-green algae. It stabilizes blood sugar levels, does not contain toxins, but contains vital vitamins (especially a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin B12). According to parents whose children consumed this algae, it works “miracles” with their restless children. Children become much calmer, more balanced and obedient. Despite the fact that these data apply to those suffering from ADHD, they are relevant and objective in the case of Indigo Children, since they are characterized by some of the symptoms of this syndrome. And very often, they are given exactly this diagnosis. PS The next article will be devoted to the psychological characteristics of Indigo children. Stay tuned, it will be very interesting! 2 Russian physiologist N. Vvedensky, teacher of I. Pavlov in 1901. introduced the term “parabiosis.”3 The “Broken Mirror” phenomenon - such children exhibit a fragmented perception of the world.4 The “Slipping Gaze” phenomenon - when reading, a loss of line is noted.5 It is believed that due to!
