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A stunning panic has gripped the world, a virus that claims fewer lives than car accidents, the influenza virus, tuberculosis, pneumonia, has given rise to a real pandemic of anxiety: the older generation is buying buckwheat, the younger - masks. There is a new virus: it spreads quickly if the government does not take measures to limit crowds. If the borders are open. If you are at risk: work with a large number of people, with sick people. There is a risk of getting sick, the virus is new, a cure has not yet been found (although virologists are talking about ginger root, by the way). But what do fears, anxieties, and panic have to do with it? Let’s understand the source of fears and look for ways to create islands of peace in the soul. 1 It has been noticed that in people prone to increased anxiety, events that go beyond the usual awaken early childhood fears. Fears in the first days of life are usually biological: fear of the dark, fear of loud sounds, fear of sudden movements, fear of attack. The fear that the formidable beast “Coronavirus” will attack, isn’t it similar to the horror of the primeval saber-toothed tiger that lurks somewhere in the dark? The unknown awakens the imagination. If the baby’s mother could not calmly perceive his aggression, he is afraid of his anger and looks for it outside. An adult who grew up with the trauma of abandonment, anxious from the distance, coldness, and anger of his mother, is himself full of anger and readiness to attack. But here’s a great opportunity to get rid of disturbing aggression - to find its source outside and attribute it to the evil “Coronavirus”. Well, anxiety and fear of punishment have ceased to bother me. The ancient fear is to die of hunger, a child experiences anxiety when the mother is not around, the anxiety of a baby is the anxiety of death, because the psyche and body of the baby are completely dependent on the mother. Grown-up people remain half-grown children and are unaware of the source of their anxiety. 2 A person with a weak idea of ​​his opinion, inclined to change his beliefs in order to become like others, to merge with the crowd, not on purpose, just an anxious person who is afraid of being alone, easily succumbs to mass panic, simply because he is not used to forming his point vision and stick to it. 3 A person who loves attention will rejoice at the panic, because he will have the opportunity to perform on the stage of a communication theater with the play: “How much I suffer,” talking about how his grandmother died from a terrible virus, his grandfather suffered from the Chinese plague, his acquaintances burned to death within a week from Indian fever. The point of these speeches is not to convey information, but to attract attention. 4 There are still people who, not on purpose, but simply out of ignorance, love to talk about suffering. General panic is simply a way to express your pain. Yes, yes, many people are traumatized by childhood history, life history, but cannot talk about it. People use common trauma, common grief and talk about the fear of the corona virus, but behind it lie other, earlier personal fears.5 Some people like to suffer, they take pleasure in suffering, because at least this is how they paid attention to their parents who treated them violently. And then we got used to enjoying at least this kind of attention. Poor abandoned children. Children are used to hurting themselves, so grown adults are afraid of the “Coronavirus”. They will definitely get sick. People deeply feel guilty for living a good life and unconsciously expect punishment. And here it is: if you lived well, you get “Coronavirus”, there is no need to show off and hope for happiness. 6 Anxiety and anxiety create a vicious circle. A person is trying to control the situation, to avoid it; it is impossible to discuss measures for real protection against infection with such a person; he will react aggressively to all attempts to discuss it. Because the anxiety of personality disintegration from the horror of the unknown is too enormous to even touch the feeling of it. Trauma of a lonely baby. Without his mother, his psyche fell apart and could not come back together. Rich satisfied smart cold man is a mask
