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Domestic tyrants. Personality psychology. These are not always alcoholics and drug addicts, they can be husbands, wives, children and old parents. Domestic tyrants completely suppress the will of those who are open to them and love them. As a rule, for a long time victims do not suspect that they are not living their own lives. Overwhelming pity, fear, guilt, stereotypes do not allow a sober assessment of the situation and, most often, this occurs in relationships with sick, old parents. Only when a person begins to meet classmates who have large families, established careers, and prosperity, then the scales fall from their eyes. He finally feels all the hopelessness of his life doing nothing but caring for his sick but demanding parents and going to a boring job. Why does it have to be boring? Yes, because there is no longer any strength for creativity, nor for career advancement, nor for self-development, nor for maintaining relationships in the team, and who would like a tired, gloomy person. But at school and institute she was the best, she showed great promise, she graduated from institute with honors, and now she is trailing in the “tail” of her career, like a weak-willed, gray mouse. When such a person comes to see me, he begins to see how unhappy he is, but his reflexes and habits are so so strong that you have to break them and tear them with pain and tears. Sometimes stereotypes do not allow a person, who already understands the cause of his problems with his parents, to break this vicious circle and reach a new level of development and perceptions of the world. In his books, the philosopher Sidorov very well describes the stereotype of honoring only parents. But without parents respecting their children, this saying is incomplete. How can you cut the branches under you when children in old age will become your only support. There are often cases when husbands keep a tight rein on their wives who live according to their instructions. You can’t go on a visit without His Majesty’s permission, you can’t go to the theater either, setting up a page on networks is a nightmare, and going with your friends to a cafe, of which there are almost none at the moment, is generally a crime, all that’s left is to forbid you to breathe. Sometimes strong women are within such strict boundaries that they are unaware of another life, since they have nothing to compare with, no acquaintances, no girlfriends, no friends. Life is a lot of hard work, there are no holidays, no joy, you just have to raise children and serve everyone. Sometimes such women go into daydreams of TV series, this gives them at least some time to live in unfulfilled fantasies and dreams. Such a swamp sucks you in, but sometimes women see the light and understand that such a life is not for them. Recently on TV, one relatively young actress, realizing that she was not living her life, divorced her rich husband, only because he did not allow her to develop as an individual and a creative person, although she loved him, she chose her own path, which brought her happiness. Sometimes very long-awaited children are tyrants, whom their parents love, doing them a disservice, as a result of which the children become not socially adapted. Dear friends, understand that no one has the right to suppress your will, preventing you from developing, even the most beloved and close people. Good luck . Your O.S..
