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From the author: If our consciousness is currently in the past or future, then part of our energy hovers somewhere in the future or experiences events of the past. In this case, it is impossible to create the future we want. It is also impossible to free ourselves from the past that we want to get rid of. One of the deepest reasons for laziness, apathy, irritation, stagnation in business and reluctance to do something is the lack of energy in our body. To achieve your goals as quickly as possible, you need to use the most creative and effective state, be aware of yourself in the present time, then there is to use the “here and now” principle. If our consciousness is currently in the past or future, then part of our energy hovers somewhere in the future or experiences events of the past. In this case, it is impossible to create the future we want. It is also impossible to free ourselves from the past that we want to get rid of. This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, if we are completely in our body, and our consciousness is completely in the present moment and ready to react to any situation, then we begin to manage our life, doing my best in "here". Only by being in the present do we create the future. By experiencing positive emotions in the “here and now,” we create future events in which we will experience exactly the same positive emotions. It's simple. When our consciousness is in the past or future, then some energy centers, or fragments of the aura of our body, are stagnant, that is, not accessible to us. In such a state, trying to change the past or create a wonderful future is a waste of time. This requires energy, but it simply does not exist in our body. We can feel distracted and hover somewhere, as they say, “in the clouds,” then our energy is literally scattered and located in another time and space. Wherever there is thought, there comes energy. This is one of the basic laws of the subtle world. Everything around is energy and we are designed in such a way that we receive energy and give it away. Figuratively speaking, the “river of life” flows through us, but when the river’s flow turns into a trickle, life in us freezes. In this state, we are involved in energy exchange with life to a minimum. Stagnation begins in our energy system with all the ensuing consequences - these are diseases of the widest spectrum, these are life difficulties, financial stagnation and tension in relationships. What to do? How to get out of this situation and restore your integrity? You need to use methods of entering the present, on the one hand, and free your energy system from the energies of the past and future that have stagnated in it. To do this, we will use express methods that are effective, work quickly and efficiently. Some of them will immerse you in childhood, some will make you feel like adults. More on this in the next publication. Enjoy working on yourself!
