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It’s quite easy to change. Much more difficult to change. Alexander Krasny How much has been written and said about betrayal and its nature, prerequisites, hidden motives and manifestations. But until the betrayal affects the person himself, he is unlikely to attach due importance to it, and even less likely to realize it. You can delve into the essence of betrayal and understand the nature of your own or someone else’s infidelity in different ways. However, you can stay away from it, being involved in the process of relationships , built on sympathy and love, mutual interest with intense passions and subsequent cooling of feelings, is not possible. THE ESSENCE OF CHANGE In impermanence is the essence and sin Nature is lustful and lascivious Astral thirst for secret pleasures Changeable, vicious and arrogant Yes, such is the untransformed nature of a person who inherits the very ambiguous karmic role of the researcher their own secret doors and corridors of sexuality. Treason has no names, only shadows of its own doubts... So succinctly I see the nature of betrayal. “Do not go, people of the Clans of the Great Race, against your Clear Conscience and the ancient laws of your Clans, for on the roundabout Paths of your life there is no peace for the Soul." Stribog's commandment Consideration of the sphere of relationships affecting such an intimate area as sexual expression is always fraught with ambiguous conclusions. Here it is quite possible to get carried away and take a side that does not entirely suit the Puritan view. However, if you are guided by the voice of reason on the one hand and the straight-knowledge of the soul on the other, then any blasphemy will be only a pale shadow of misunderstanding and reluctance to delve into the complex nature of omnisexuality, which contains all the fullness and the range of human experiences. It is impossible to consider betrayal without comparing it with fidelity. For betrayal is a shadow mirror of fidelity, hiding the personal looking glass of a person with the entire set of elements that make up the sexual self-portrait of maturity. By maturity I mean not the ability to allow/prohibit one or another sexual liberties, but the potential possibility of retrospection on committed actions without shame and feeling guilt. Awareness of the actual motives and reasons why a person cheats on his partner/partner/spouse is a key point of self-determination and self-awareness. For if you can be sincere with yourself, highlighting that dominant criterion or set of qualities that determine your actions, then you are unlikely to be able to hide your “adventures” from someone close/loved to you. In this case, a deal with your conscience simply will not take place. But, more often than not, the struggle of motives of a social, sexual, emotional and mental nature is a difficult dilemma that always casts a shadow CHOICE.Which to prefer is by no means a rhetorical question, when in the balance of fate there is the stigma of shame and condemnation on the one hand, and guilt and fear of being exposed on the other. It is not easy to decide when family and/or life arrangements should be thrown on the altar passionate and breathless love? What to do if all the irrepressible nature calls for conquest and possession, under the flag of eternal novelty and the cover of mystery? How to untie this Gordian knot of relationships without feeling remorse? What are the hidden motives inside the love triangle? All these questions in arise in each of us to one degree or another throughout life. And here CHOICE competes with DOUBT. Well, we will still try to give everything under consideration an adequate assessment, balanced and without socio-religious prejudices, guided by reasonable comparison. DEFINITION OF TREASON “That of a wife who renounces her husband and his Family is unworthy of being a Mother and she will not know Happiness and Joy in her life, but only the bitterness of loss.” Lada Mother of God TREASON is a destructive psycho-emotional unconscious state and action with many complex factors, individual in each specific case, but having a common nature - misunderstanding of love and its distortion. As the Free Encyclopedia testifies: “Betrayal isviolation of fidelity to someone or something.” That is, the basis of betrayal is a certain principle of fidelity, which in the words of Wikipedia reads: “Loyalty is a property that determines the nature of behavior in relation to an object, in which the subject puts the interests of the object above his own.” In other words, in words, in the relationship between a man and a woman there must initially (based on this explanation) be a principle of inequality of free will and, accordingly, dominance / subordination of one of the parties: “marital fidelity means preventing adultery, and in a broader sense, caring for the spouse, subordination of one’s behavior to his (her) interests.” In this format of relationships, there is no need to talk about parity and understanding of the hierarchical role model of a man and a woman. In this case, betrayal is nothing more than an escape to freedom. And even though this freedom is a ghostly image of the real, sought-after freedom, it is nevertheless desirable and natural for a person who is not yet aware of his perfect, spiritual and divine essence. And here is how Duetika explains the nature of betrayal and fidelity - the philosophical and ethical teaching: LOYALTY - belief in the divinity of a man or a woman, reflected in each other and certainly filling to the brim, to the remainder, naturally transforming their polarity and duality into a coherent unity. In this context, a violation of fidelity is finding a more significant divinity in another person. However, often, the previous divinity is missed and lost sight of, largely due to its veiling / hiding under the robes of an imperfect personality. LOYALTY is also the ETERNAL JOY OF ENJOYING SOUNDNESS or CONSCIOUS CORPORITY. It is impossible to change outside the body and without the body, for then innocent flirtation and sympathy for the opposite sex could be classified in this category. Of course, when your thought allows and desires a certain object of attention, ready supporting your desire for physical unity/contact is mental betrayal, but it will not be TREASON in the full sense of the word, connecting only on a mental-phantom level, two men and women who are committed to each other. TREASON is when something is extracted from me my secret. In other words, they trample on the Law of Free Will or BETRAY (interrupt the divine gift or flow of love). In this sense, the word ADULTERY, etymologically meaning an ACTION BETRAYING LOVE, succinctly explains the nature of betrayal. ADULTERY sounds similar - an ACTION INTERRUPTING LOVE through violation of three manifestations of the Law of Love: The Law of Good, the Law of Non-Harm and the Law of Free Will. Nothing and no one prevents a person from acknowledging his feelings for another object of love / affection / passion, and informing his partner. ENERGY PROCESSES OF CHEATING Treason, literally, for a person is the removal of me or my part – energetic, spiritual and bodily (etheric, astral mental) without my knowledge and consent. When a person hides the fact of betrayal, he burdens his karma by literally joining someone else’s field / sexual energy of Kundalini. That is, at the level of the sacral and coccygeal centers, a new one is formed energy channel - interweaving (in case of physical infidelity and sexual intercourse). If a strong emotional attraction is formed, strengthened by thoughts - lusts, desires - attraction, then two more connecting energy lines are formed between the mental and emotional body (in addition to the physical and ethereal) and, accordingly, the center of the solar plexus. The person who is being cheated on develops an energy funnel in the area of ​​these centers, through which vital energy is drawn out / “sucked out”, depleting his psychic nature. When cheating, a rupture occurs in the etheric, emotional and mental bodies, which attracts into the aura all three characters of the “triangle of love” energy vampires - maflocks, larvae, negative entities of various orders that destroy the subtle mental-physical organization of a person. MAIN REASONS AND FACTORS IN THE ARISECHEATING What prompts a person to commit an act of treason? Among the main factors of betrayal can be identified: spiritual immaturity, personal problems, lack of individual integrity and harmony, social vulnerability, lack of understanding of one’s own sexual nature, incorrectly learned paternal-maternal patterns of relationships. However, they all have a deeper, root basis and reason, buried in the bins of our unconscious or archetype, as C. Jung called it. On the one hand, infidelity has the ancient heritage of late Lemuria and early Atlantis - eras of sexual perversions and excesses that marked the beginning of promiscuity. On the other hand, religious prohibitions, a sin complex and taboos of natural sexuality, forming the forbidden fruit as a socially veiled attribute of the norm. All these reasons in each individual case form a behavioral and ideological model that determines a person’s place in his interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. CAUTION – THE DOORS OF BETRAYAL ARE OPENING! Fear is the most inhibiting force of a person’s imperfect nature, pushing him to rash actions. Fear is the energy of manipulation used The Black Lodge of dark forces, artificially arousing the claims of a person’s sexual nature through stimulation of his sacral/emotional/astral center. Control of emotions along with organic sexual expression is the basis for a healthy and naturally rhythmic sexual life of a person. This way neither suppression nor limitation occurs, but conscious control and following the inner feeling of happiness and harmony. Often, such a threatening and widespread disease today as cancer is often a consequence of the prohibition and displacement of sexual desires beyond the limits of bodily expression into the mental prisons of distorted morality and spiritual ignorance. THE TEMPLE OF THE BODY AND SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION Modern spiritual evolution, approaching the final stage of the human form, presupposes a superhuman or superhuman form of existence, when all three parts of our being - spirit, soul and body, as never before, in trinity will reveal to us unknown possibilities. The Spirit and Soul have traveled a long way towards this unity. It’s up to the body, as they say. To prepare your physical vehicle for a new service / existence in the light of expanded possibilities is not a task for the future. Mastery of the sexual energy of kundalini, manifesting as the great sexual impulse of nature, is the transformation of the distortions and limitations of social nihilism and entry into the all-encompassing the flow of divine beauty of sincere, honest and independent relationships. Thus, the tempting serpent, encouraging us to explore our own imperfections, must transform into the three-headed dragon of wisdom, eliminating the isolation of the body / personality / not-self. And the body will rightfully become the temple of values ​​in which the altar of the spirit is supported by the eternal flame of the soul. A person cheats on someone, having first cheated on himself. And this betrayal is the most painful, with far-reaching consequences. And then no beliefs and justifications such as essential polygamy will help, reducing the glow of the soul until it descends into the anti-world and a change in polarity. Sexual self-destruction is the most powerful, because it uses up vitality for so long and carefully collected (like honey from bees) by previous experiences / incarnations. It is never too late to admit the failure of an individual before the omniscience of the soul and turn our gaze to the sources of the best that is in us. And here the point is not even in repentance, but in forgiveness - simple, but together with that generous inheritance that shows us the path to our incorruptible self, which accepts and understands our apostasy. Is it worth abusing this grace? It's up to each of us to decide. However, 2012 has all the “powers” ​​of an arbitrator, contributing to the self-settlement of all disagreements of our heterogeneous nature. All that remains is to listen to the voice of common sense and tune in to the rhythms of the planet, encouraging us to follow our light-manifested, true essence, which does not know
