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There are constructive motives, guided by which a woman decides to get pregnant and give birth to a child, and destructive ones. Constructive motives have a positive effect on the climate in the family, on the mother’s ability to accept her child. 1. I give birth because I love a person, a child, as gratitude to him for his happiness, as a piece of a loved one, a symbol of a “bright” past or present that a woman wants to carry throughout her life.2. The desire for immortality by repeating one's genes in a child; so that there is another life, a representative of my family.3. The desire for creativity is the birth and upbringing of a person who has not yet existed. Destructive motives -1. Force your partner to marry;2. Strengthen family relationships (“tie” to yourself, return your husband, prevent his leaving, etc.);3. Give birth “to spite” your partner; 4. To give birth “so that there is at least one close person”, so that there is someone to take care of;5. Replace a lost loved one (deceased, abandoned) with a born child;6. Change social status;7. “Be like everyone else”;8. Show your parents that you have become an adult;9. Force parents to accept the marriage;10. Fulfill the persistent request of the parents for the birth of a grandson or granddaughter;11. Give birth “for your health” (often on the advice of a doctor);12. Receive material benefits (allowance, alimony, improved living space, etc.) In all these cases, the value of the child is not outlined. Childbirth serves as a means to achieve some goal. The child will be born, the goal will be achieved - the child itself is no longer needed. In this regard, the woman has difficulties in accepting the child, which has a detrimental effect on his mental development and future life. (The role of a mother’s acceptance of her child in the first years of life can hardly be overestimated About acceptance and non-acceptance, see the following article.)
