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Children's fears and age periods that parents need to know. We can absolutely say that every person has experienced a feeling of fear, and more than once. It is easier for adults to cope with feelings of fear and anxiety. As for children, things are a little more complicated. I will explain this by saying that a small child has no life experience, no knowledge, he simply does not know how to understand his emotions and reduce their level. It's a shame to hear and see when someone doesn't take children's fears seriously. It is important to take children’s experiences and anxieties more seriously and, of course, respond to them. We can divide everything “terrible” for a child into: - fear - phobia - anxiety. Some fears arise quickly and disappear just as quickly. But there are experiences that remain in memory for a long time. Fear is a dangerous emotion, especially for children. There are many reasons for fear and they depend on age. Some reasons for children's fears: 1. Situations that arose with the baby and scared him.2. Conversations between parents on topics that are scary for the child.3. Constant intimidation of children by parents or people who are often with them.4. Unreasonable parental guardianship.5. Films, cartoons and other sources of information from which a child can glean negative and scary information that can become a cause for child anxiety. I would like to note that children whose attachment is disturbed at an early age are more susceptible to fears. This feeling of “security” is formed in children under one year of age. It is important for a child to make it clear that mom and dad are nearby, that they will always come to his aid, and that he is safe with his parents. Children who, unfortunately, did not form an attachment to their parents at an early age, will not be able to feel safe when they grow up. Such children develop various fears. Different fears appear at different periods of life: - From 0–1 year of a baby’s life: this is a fear associated with separation, the mother must be nearby, children are afraid of strangers, the child can be frightened by various noises and unexpected loud sounds. - In the first year of life the baby develops a fear of strangers and loneliness - From two to three years old, fears such as punishment, various animals, pain and heights may arise. - From four to five years old, fears of characters from fairy tales, any fictional characters, fear of the dark and falling asleep alone. - From six to seven years there are fears: death, terrible dreams, darkness, ghosts. - From eight to ten years school fears predominate. Fears for children are very serious, it is important to accept them and help overcome them.
