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From the author: Treason sounds scary. But is betrayal really as scary as they say? Cheating sounds scary. But is betrayal really as scary as they say? ? In my opinion, betrayal is one of the indicators of family problems, and betrayal itself does not mean that the relationship has come to an end, but rather that if the existing situation in the relationship is not changed, the relationship will come to an end. It is no secret that both men and women most often cheat not because they want to leave the family, but because they lack something in the family and for some reason it is impossible to get it in the family. So people start cheating in order to get what they lack. They suffer from guilt towards their spouse, but continue to cheat, because the feeling of guilt further alienates the spouses from each other, and the further they move away, the more difficult it is for them to improve their relationship. The apotheosis of everything can be divorce for the official reason “treason”! In fact, divorce occurred because two people could not learn to talk to each other, did not learn to openly express their desires, did not learn to listen to each other, and did not take responsibility for the relationship! And they placed all responsibility on the partner, they believed that there was no need to talk about their desires, since they expected the partner to read the minds and guess the desires of the other! Cheating is a symptom that says that misunderstanding has crept into the relationship between spouses, misunderstandings have appeared, and tension has arisen in the relationship. And these reticences and tensions make it impossible to be near each other. But is it possible to prevent this symptom from appearing? Yes, you can! Don’t be afraid to talk about your desires, and don’t think that if a person loves you, then he should know what you want, because people can’t read minds! Remember those pleasant moments in your life together and do not constantly relive the unpleasant moments that happened in your life.
