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When the human psyche regards negative experiences as excessive and dangerous, it uses one of the defense mechanisms. There are several types of classifications of these mechanisms. But in general, they can all be divided into four large groups. Each of the groups is designed to allow the psyche to maintain integrity, but the type of action differs.1. The first group operates on the principle of refusing to process incoming information: Repression A person rejects experiences and thoughts, emotions, and states associated with them. At the same time, the experience itself continues to influence the person. A person does not seem to notice something in himself, his perception is greatly distorted. This means that actions are not entirely adequate to the possibilities and circumstances. Blocking A person also represses negative experiences, with all the side effects, but this process lasts less time. Denial A person seeks to avoid new information that is incompatible with his existing positive ideas about himself. Information that contradicts its guidelines is not accepted. In this way he achieves a reduction in anxiety. This defense manifests itself in ignoring and avoiding potentially disturbing information. Suppression The stimulus that caused negative experiences is forgotten in order to prevent these experiences from venting and not to force the person to show emotions prohibited by someone close to them. Using fear as an example, a person forgets what exactly scared him. Therefore, he does not avoid situations where he can again receive such a stimulus. This forms humility and agreement. 2. The second group of defenses operates on the principle of distortion of mental products in connection with an event (thoughts, feelings, behavior): Transference A previously formed communicative model distorts a person’s perception and affects new relationships. For example, people often transfer the image of a father to a boss and interact with him as with a father. Care In order not to face his inability to solve a problem, a person directs his attention to where control is available to him. For example, a workaholic goes to work so as not to solve family problems. At the same time, they believe that being busy is the reason why they cannot take care of problems. Although, in essence, being busy is a means of escaping problems. Teenagers indulge in fantasy because they cannot influence the situation in the family. In fantasies, they have the level of control that is necessary to maintain the integrity of the psyche. Rationalization Instead of solving a problem, a person begins to look for reasons why this problem has the right to exist and why it can not be considered a problem. Victims of abuse often rationalize the behavior of the abuser, for example, by his difficult childhood. Although they must work to ensure their safety and a way out of destructive relationships. Intellectualization A person tries to structure the patterns of his problems and compare them with the problems of other people. He seems to be turning into a researcher. He will drown in analysis, solution options, but do nothing for the solution itself. Projection A person does not accept his own feelings, emotions, desires and endows others with them. For example, homophobia is often explained by latent homosexuality. Identification A person internally connects himself and some image, a role model. In his mind, he himself becomes the same as this image. In this way, he gets the opportunity to act not from his own qualities and abilities, but as if borrowed from the image. In this case, identification occurs with someone who is higher in the hierarchy or even strictly dominates. The child is often identified with the oppressive parent. Thus, violence against him himself becomes, as it were, resolved, he himself begins to show violence. Alienation Inside the psyche, individual thoughts, feelings or memories are isolated. Entire parts of the psyche can become isolated. At the same time, the connection with other events is broken so that it is impossible to draw a traumatic conclusion from the entire logical chain. In some cases, isolated: 8-918-253-73-83
