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We live in a world of constant change. The weather, the dollar exchange rate, relationships, opportunities change. This creates new conditions and encourages us to acquire new skills. For some, changes cause discomfort, fear, and depression. Someone happily accepts another life challenge. Everyone chooses the strategy that is closest in spirit. Conventionally, according to the way of existence in this world, three groups can be distinguished: 1. The life of a peasant. People live according to strict moral principles. They thought about everything for them and decided everything. Life in safety and warmth is the norm for them. Their world is stable and predictable. They often use the words “must”, “must”, “must”, “at any cost”, etc. They make excellent employees. They are easy to manage, put the necessary ideas into their heads, and stimulate them to perform certain activities. They overcome rare life crises, approximately once every seven years, with difficulty and, mainly, at the expense of their minds. The inability and unwillingness to use a wider range of skills drives them even deeper into the rear. Here they continue to be afraid of “surprises,” scold life and wait for the next instructions from above. 2. The life of a hermit. People don't accept reality as it is. But they are too lazy and afraid to fight the existing order. Despite this, some representatives are particularly proud and conceited. Internal protest drives them into virtual reality. This could be alcohol, drugs, computer games, vagrancy or seclusion. From there they can scold the world and fantasize about their own importance and success. Light contact with reality, where you need to pay for housing and obey laws, irritates them greatly. In their imaginary world, they are free, but... only until they meet with a narcologist. The destruction of illusions leads to the destruction of life. In this case, it is more about survival. 3. The life of a hero. People are ready to step beyond the boundaries of the familiar world, face unpredictability, overcome obstacles and move forward again. They choose the path of constant change. They prefer to set their own goals. Obstacles and lack of necessary skills arouse excitement in them and are perceived as another reason to demonstrate their abilities. Their vocabulary most often includes “I want this”, “I like it”. Various external and internal crises are perceived as temporary inconvenience. Thanks to a wide range of skills, roughness can be easily eliminated. They have courage, determination, and a great desire to learn and experience new things. They prefer to show the way, set the pace and tone. Compared to the general mass of people living in the “safe zone,” they take on life’s challenges several times a year. So, the next life crisis can drive you “into stress,” “into the taiga,” or to the pinnacle of success. As you understand, “heroes” live the brightest, richest and most interesting lives. To move from one group to another requires deep inner work. But if you wish, you can develop a number of habits that can take you to new milestones. To do this, you need to expand your skill set. If “villagers” get out of problems by logical conclusions, then “heroes” rely on all senses. Self-confidence, the ability to hear and understand the “inner voice” makes them much stronger, wiser, and more confident than ordinary people. They are constantly connected to three sources at once. 1. Consciousness. This is the manager. It perfectly knows how to keep an idea of ​​the world and helps to live in predictable, established conditions. 2. Unconscious. It is responsible for basic survival and monitors the proper functioning of internal organs and systems. 3. Collective unconscious. The most mysterious source. It stores an endless variety of ideas, resources, and opportunities. To connect to it, you need an established relationship with the subconscious, skills in entering a trance. In other words, to become a “hero” you need to connect to the unconscious. There is a lot for this
