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Monetary “CEILING” - a familiar expression? In other words, the ceiling is the LIMIT, or BAR, above which your earnings have never risen. Why? – Quite an appropriate question! And we have to figure this out! If you are ready, of course...? What influences how a person earns money? How much time, effort and energy does he invest to achieve the desired result and financial stability? And what prevents you from breaking through that very “ceiling”? Steve Jobs once said a very good phrase: “You need to work not 24 hours a day, but with your head!” Of course, the expression is significant, with a special meaning, but what if you are a technician, for example, or, more simply put, a craftsman, and not a connoisseur of fine art or science? And it all depends on how much you create, make, produce - how much you can then sell in order to get that very desired profit for your work! Suppose you created something necessary for other people, some special item, without which you will soon simply can't do it, what are your next steps??? What to do with your creation? And... only a few know how to proceed, and why? Because they are ready for action, ready to achieve their goal! Such a person does not see obstacles, he sees the ultimate goal - financial well-being, a stable monthly income and further success, career growth, new connections, acquaintances... and much more. Sounds great, right? This is an IDEAL SCENARIO. What do we see in reality? And what does EVERY person have to face? First of all, we face difficulties and obstacles. Not necessarily in the form of fierce competition right away, no, let’s take at least DIFFICULTY IN COMMUNICATION, difficulty in ESTABLISHING CONTACT WITH PEOPLE - communications, LOW SELF-ESTEEM and DISLOVE FOR SELF, IN CONNECTION WITH WHICH it is incredibly difficult for a person to sensibly evaluate his work (those resources that were spent by him on implementation, materialization into a service/into the final product, ultimately offered to the consumer/client). Consequently, it is incredibly difficult for a person with such a “burden behind his back” to POST A COMPLETELY ADEQUATE PRICE for his SERVICE/PRODUCT so that the price is both competitive and fully satisfies HIS internal expectations and needs. So, what is “the ability to build communicative connections in society” helps a person? First of all, communication is important for adaptation in the World as a whole. Not a single person can live his whole life without communicating with anyone, provided, of course, if this is not a Martian who builds communication telepathically... The ability to communicate freely allows us to find friends and good acquaintances who in the future can introduce us to someone - also interesting, maybe they will even help you get a good job, or find a competent, attentive doctor, or get a discount when buying an apartment, this also happens... The chain moves and develops. The ability to communicate contributes to the ability to ask for help in a timely manner! Yes, in my practice there were also cases when people could not even do this, unfortunately!! It happens that at a reception I hear the following from clients: “When I was a child, my dad/mom told me never ask anyone for anything...” Hmm, only if a person really finds himself in a difficult situation and cannot ask for help, what will it happen to him? Should he lie down and die now? I don’t think so! The ability to communicate helps to draw attention to your talents - this is important! Helps to draw attention to your services! After all, this is one of the most important steps to breaking through the money ceiling. The more they know about you as a specialist/manufacturer, the more they turn to the service/product, therefore, demand and profit grow. And when we already have friends and acquaintances, this chain moves and develops, and we acquire interesting and useful connections in society, in their field of activity, in creativity, and so on... People are always drawn to the “easy-going person”, this is also an energy exchange! It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “Language will take you to Kyiv.” CONCLUSION: one of the most)
