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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a clinical syndrome, the main manifestation of which is a violation of the child’s ability to control and regulate his behavior, which results in motor hyperactivity, impaired attention and impulsivity; is an etiologically polymorphic disorder, where in the vast majority of cases genetic factors play a major role. ADHD is also a biopsychosocial disorder in which the main etiological factors are biological, and the main prognostic factors are psychosocial, the unfavorable course of which (family functioning) can perpetuate clinical manifestations and increase maladaptation of children suffering from this disease [2, 3, 4]. Many researchers note that in children from disadvantaged families, ADHD is detected more often, since the influence of these factors aggravates existing behavioral disorders (Trzhesoglava Z., Barkley R.A., Platonova A.G., Kuchma V.R. and many others .). In the process of personality formation in preschool age, a child with ADHD often encounters situations that acquire a crisis nature, which directly affect his psyche and are stimulated by an unfavorable social environment, in particular the family one. Therefore, the urgent question is how to help the family solve the problems of raising such a child, and the child learn to overcome a traumatic situation and cope with negative emotional experiences, thereby optimizing the development of social adaptation mechanisms in children with ADHD. Children with ADHD adapt much less well to new environments and are more susceptible to negative stress factors. This also increases the anxious background of the child’s mood, i.e. worsens his psycho-emotional state, which is an indicator of the complication of the disease and its transition to a more severe degree of severity [4, p. 65]. Problems of the emotional-volitional sphere in children with ADHD have been described by many authors (Zavadenko N.N., Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V., Romanchuk O.I., Fesenko E.V., Fesenko Yu.A., etc.) . According to their research, to understand the nature of hyperactive behavior and to correct its manifestations, disturbances in the emotional sphere are used. First of all, this is excessive excitability and impulsivity, caused by a deficiency of inhibitory control and self-regulation of behavior. Children with the syndrome are characterized by frequent mood swings. They easily move from tears to laughter and quickly forget their failures. Inconsistency and unpredictability in behavior make hyperactive children undesirable members of the children's team. The emotional development of a child with ADHD, as a rule, is delayed, which is manifested by imbalance, hot temper, and intolerance to failure. They are poor emotionally: their drawings are not expressive in terms of color, their images are stereotypical and superficial; poor emotional response to musical and artistic works; shallow emotional manifestations in relation to other people. With a lack of maternal warmth, physical and emotional contact, children suffering from ADHD experience uncertainty, excitability, and negative reactions, which, in turn, affect the child’s ability to control himself, restrain himself, and be attentive [2, 3]. This circumstance determines the high relevance of early identification of signs of psycho-emotional distress that contribute to the complication of the disease in children, as well as recognition of psychosocial risk factors for the development of ADHD in preschool age. Assessing the role of psychosocial (primarily family) factors at the stage of complications of a child’s disease is a necessary condition for scientifically based psychological intervention in the system of preventive, corrective and therapeutic measures. Speaking about the family, it should be noted that many parents themselves do not control their emotions - they “break down, become indignant, punish.” Many people don't consider this a problem, butThis means that they are not ready to change their reactions, their attitude towards both the child and his behavior. The ability of parents to control their emotions plays an important role in the development of the child and affects his physical and mental health, which is especially important when dealing with hyperactive children [2]. The main factors that determine the prognosis, the possibility of full development of a child with ADHD, his self-actualization, are the characteristics of the child’s family. It is on them that the risk of the child developing secondary psychosocial problems (antisocial behavior, etc.) depends. ADHD is a kind of catalyst that in one environment promotes reactions leading to one consequence, and in another - to another. The social environment determines the character and consequence of these reactions - whether they will positively or negatively influence the fate of the child and his family and to what extent. Therefore, attention to family characteristics, understanding family experiences, and close collaboration with parents through a family-centered approach are essential to providing effective care [3]. Of greatest interest are issues related to ensuring the emotional well-being (positive, comfortable emotional state) of a child with ADHD in the family. A number of authors (Abramyan L.A., Gordeeva A.V., Kosheleva A.D., Filippova G.G., etc.) consider this condition as basic, which is the basis of the child’s entire attitude to the world and affects the cognitive sphere, emotional volitional, style of experiencing stressful situations, relationships with adults and peers [1]. The most appropriate way to communicate with a hyperactive child is an authoritative style of communication and education, in which a high degree of control and attention to the child is combined with warmth, support, and patience. Such parents consider the child, carefully monitor his condition, are ready to help, they do not order, but explain, create conditions in which it is easier for a hyperactive child to concentrate and organize his activities [3]. The results of our study showed (p<0.001) that the conditions for raising children with ADHD are characterized by specific features: insufficient satisfaction and increased conflict in relationships with parents, hyperprotection and educational uncertainty on the part of the mother, insufficient involvement of the father in the upbringing process, the presence of unresolved personal issues in parents. problems. The most pronounced disturbances in family relationships and social dissatisfaction of parents are in families of children with mild ADHD (the following methods were used as the main methods for studying specific parenting styles: PARI questionnaire; ASV questionnaire by E. G. Edemiller and V. Justitskis) At the stage of the ascertaining experiment in determining the psycho-emotional state of children 5-6 years old, the following methods were used: S. Rosenzweig; S.G. Yakobson, V.G. Shchur; Color diagnostics by M. Luscher; R. Temml, M. Dorki and V. Amen; “Please tell me, are you afraid or not afraid...” technique. Studies of children with ADHD (all forms of severity) (p<0.05) allow us to conclude that: in children with mild ADHD, to a greater extent compared with other groups of children, due to the weak organization of nervous processes that affect the sensitivity and endurance of the body, emotional lability, increased anxiety, susceptibility to fears uncharacteristic for the age of 5-6 years are noted; there is low self-esteem, a tendency to unconstructive reactions to frustration in the form of passive withdrawal or blaming others and self-accusation with an increased level of aggressiveness; difficulties in communicating with peers. The identified features of the emotional-behavioral sphere are associated with increased psycho-emotional stress and are stimulated by an unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family, specific styles of education, which generally contributes to the complication and transition of the disease in the child to a more severe degree of severity. The results of the study made it possible to determine approaches, strategies and methodspsychological prevention and correction in relation to identified disorders (health deviations) in children suffering from ADHD of varying severity. This is the direction in which we mainly focused on education, increasing the educational competence of parents, understanding and awareness by parents of the possible consequences of negative trends in family education, as well as parents’ awareness of the need to change their educational strategies in order to prevent complications of the disease in their child. The content of work with parents consisted of providing psychological and informational assistance. The priority objectives of this area are: expanding knowledge about the problem of ADHD, assistance in mastering specific strategies for upbringing and behavior management that take into account the child’s characteristics, assistance in creating conditions that contribute to increasing emotional comfort in the family. The well-being of family relationships and harmonious family upbringing play a significant role in maintaining the health of children. Therefore, the psychologist organized sessions for parents on the following topics: 1. Understanding the nature of ADHD, reviewing methods of helping children with ADHD. The role of parents.2. Parenthood. The main tasks of parents in raising children. Required qualities and skills.3. The role of parents in the formation of positive self-esteem. Ability to listen and understand children.4. The stress of parenting. Self-preservation program for parents. Possible psychological difficulties. Basics of mental hygiene for parents. As well as consultations, including a step-by-step program of behavioral therapy for parents [4], for example: 1. Building a positive relationship with your child.2. Showing positive attention to the child and praise as a method of encouragement.3. Introduction of a point reward system.4. Introduction of sanctions - “fines” and “time out”.5. Expanding the field of application of “time-out”.6. Application of the principles of behavioral management for problem behavior in public places (for example, a preliminary agreement with the child - if bad behavior on the playground occurs, the games stop, the mother (father) and the child return home).7. Solving behavioral problems of a child in kindergarten.8. Preventing future problems. Attention was paid to group meetings, organizing joint activities of parents and children (for example, games “learning to understand each other”; drawing therapy “joint drawing”; music therapy). A group form of psychocorrection for parents and children with ADHD can be carried out with elements of family psychotherapy. This form of work gives parents a clearer idea of ​​the emotional needs of children, establishes emotionally positive relationships between parents and children (art therapy methods that facilitate the process of communication between parents and children, develop arbitrariness and the ability to self-regulate, help the parent and child understand their feelings, experiences and emotional states). Work carried out with parents of children with ADHD should directly precede the implementation of a correction program with the children themselves. At the second stage of the formative experiment, correctional and developmental work was organized with children to prevent and overcome psycho-emotional distress. Correction of the emotional sphere of a child with ADHD, first of all, involves its harmonization, aimed at overcoming negative emotional states, disturbances in functioning or delays in the development of certain components, as well as compensation for negative personality characteristics that develop on the basis of these processes associated not only with illness of the child, but also with specific styles of his upbringing in the family. The developed and tested complex of correctional and developmental activities for children with ADHD 5-6 years old to overcome psycho-emotional distress allowed us to solve the following problems: developing in children an adequate attitude towards themselves and others; reduction of aggressiveness, anxiety and fears uncharacteristic of the age of 5-6 years; skillregulate and express your emotions; development of behavioral flexibility, the ability to adequately respond to various life situations. The main principle of implementing the formative experiment methodology was maintaining the psycho-emotional comfort of the child in the family, which was carried out by the competent use by parents of techniques for managing the behavior of a child suffering from ADHD. During the experiment, art therapy was used as the main method of correcting psycho-emotional distress in preschool children. Particular attention was paid to drawing therapy, music therapy, fairy tale therapy, and relaxation exercises. Classes were developed to relieve anxiety, correct fears, and develop adequate self-esteem. Attention was paid to teaching the child constructive ways to resolve conflicts, adequate ways of expressing requests to parents and peers in the process of interaction. Children composed fairy tales, drew them, made appliqués, and helped each other. During the sessions, the psychologist recorded the emotional manifestations of the children, their behavior, and their reactions to success and failure. To form adequate self-esteem, it is important for a child to see the product of his labor. Psychocorrection, depending on the individual psychological characteristics of a child with ADHD, can be carried out in individual, group form or a combination of both. Organization of play and support of children with ADHD during the game by an adult for the purpose of positive communication with peers contribute to the formation of more confident and adequate behavior, a positive self-image, increased self-esteem of a child with ADHD, development of communication abilities (attention was paid to group classes with children on the topic “Formation of partnerships with peers”). Classes using the listed methods were aimed at correcting existing problems and preventing the occurrence of psycho-emotional problems in children in the family (creating a favorable atmosphere characterized by friendly communication, the ability to listen and understand children). Based on a diagnostic study of the characteristics of family functioning and the psycho-emotional well-being of a child with ADHD, an individually differentiated approach was carried out in the work. Therefore, a special role was given to individual and subgroup classes. Psychological correction (control experiment) in the system of measures to prevent the development of ADHD in children made it possible to determine the sufficient effectiveness of using constructive methods of education in overcoming the psycho-emotional disadvantage of sick children 5-6 years old. Children learned to integrate a variety of emotions and experiences, behavioral problems and cases of conflict situations, both with parents and with peers, decreased. Children began to show ADHD symptoms to a lesser extent. Parents learned to manage the child’s behavior, control their emotions, strengthened the internal and external resources of the family, marital and family relationships in general. Thus, solving the problem of psycho-emotional distress of a child with ADHD and his upbringing is possible by providing timely psychological assistance to the family as a whole. This assistance to the family and child is only possible through the joint efforts of psychologists and parents (including kindergarten teachers). Help is especially relevant at an earlier stage of the disease, i.e. in the preschool period of a child’s development, which will allow him to adapt to the primary grades of school with minimal difficulties and more easily overcome learning problems. Further supportive psychological assistance to the family is provided throughout the preschool period in the form of counseling. If necessary, the examination is repeated and the course of psychocorrection is repeated. Accompaniment of the child by a psychologist continues until his adaptation to school is completed, as a rule, this is the entire period of primary school. Literature: Kosheleva, A.D. Emotional development of preschool children [Text] / A.D. Kosheleva, V.I. Pereguda, O.A. Shagraeva. – M.: Academy, 2003. - 176 pp. Monina, G.B. 👍
