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When you enter into a relationship, the two most important questions that you must answer yourself are: “Why do I need this relationship?” “How do I want to feel in it?” Question “Why do you need this relationship?” "closes your motives and needs. A healthy relationship is built from your happiness and self-sufficiency when you can close your needs on your own. A healthy relationship is when I am happy/happy alone. If a second person came into my life, I became twice as happy. If he left, then I remained happy. Only from this point do we build cool and healthy partnerships, which people ask me about in consultations. Therefore, the question “Why do you need this relationship” is very sobering, especially in the first six months of your relationship/novel. You understand what kind of need you want to satisfy with these relationships. If it’s procreation and children, parenthood, a story about a partner nearby and sharing values, if it’s about the energy and happiness that you want to share, that’s great. If you want your problems to be solved for you, to be taken into their arms, to be provided for you or supported, then such needs, it would be great if you learned to give yourself. Only from this point can we build healthy relationships. The second question you ask yourself is “How do I want to feel in this relationship.” This is an excellent beacon and test of your relationship development. Because if you want to feel calm, relaxed, interesting, but in reality you feel anger, aggression, irritation, fatigue, apathy - this is a clear reason to reconsider your relationship and ask yourself, what is going wrong? What's not going as planned? In a healthy relationship, your feelings and emotions increase. In some one-off situations you may feel negative - this is normal. The formula for a healthy relationship is “I love you in any way, but at the moment I can be angry, sad, offended, irritated with you.” That's OK too. When you constantly feel tired, apathetic, angry, aggressive, and irritated in your relationships more than once or twice over a long period of time, then this is a reason to think. In order to understand yourself and your relationships, it’s very cool not only to subscribe to a psychologist’s blog , but also comment, like, and also come to the office to talk about your relationship. Have you asked yourself these questions??
