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Violetta Igorevna Marchenko (Master of Psychology in Sochi. What is typical, Violetta Igorevna is always aimed at the best result. As well as getting pleasure from the process of activity, which is confirmed by two honors diplomas) raised the question of the advantages at the psiforum : “What is the advantage of the approaches that you use?” Violetta Igorevna, I like your question. I will say, however, the same thing can be both an advantage and a disadvantage in another case. It would be possible to say more generally about flexibility and variability in the application of a certain method for a corresponding task. Perhaps, I will nevertheless share about the features of one of the methods that I use as a priority, no matter who applies, well, and when it becomes clear with what and for what, then and I select something else as a plus, if necessary, of course. So, the primary method for me is short-term positive psychotherapy. Why, why? Because it is economical. Because it is aimed at resolving problems. Well, since they have already arisen, they require solutions! Then, which makes it possible to quickly (minute by minute) build relationships in a constructive manner based on a positive consideration of both what is happening and the future, what we will move towards by agreeing on this journey. From here it is clear and how the roles of the participants in this process are distributed. The purpose of the journey is common to a variety of approaches and methods of psychotherapy - for the client - to himself according to his own interests. The psychotherapist is accompanying the traveler on this path. Some take the metaphor of a guide, others - illuminating the path.. .And what’s closer to me is an interlocutor at a rest stop. A person will pave the path for himself, and appropriate both the achievements and discoveries of that journey, which is natural with such a division of labor. Well, my role is precisely that, an interlocutor, to talk about that , where a person is heading from and where, how he is able to overcome the hardships of the path, what and how to deploy, when to raise the sails, when to lower the sails, lie down, lie down, wait, then rise again, correctly assessing his strength and the surrounding situation... We have victory, after all. not at any cost is important! Talk about all the nuances of that journey, share doubts, dispel, evaluate hope, and strengthen it by looking around in search of resources, both those that already exist and those required, and talk about the joy of achieving the final goal of the journey - what it is so valuable that all those thorns are so readily overcome, no matter how painful it may be. And, no less important, with whom he will celebrate, celebrate his achievements, who and for what to thank, with what and when. These are the features and The advantages of the method are that it is suitable both for work in the clinic and is freely applicable in a wide field beyond its borders. What is noteworthy is that it is easily used regardless of any conditions - whether in person, remotely, in direct conversation or through a letter. And, which is typical, regardless of gender, age, social status, religion, all sorts of statuses, problems. Another reason - because it strengthens a person’s dignity.. In a word, whatever one may say, he is good from all sides. Ask, well, how Disadvantages? That’s right, there are some – it all ends too quickly. You don’t have time to get used to it, and it’s time to say goodbye... I’m kidding, of course. We can say that this method misses the true reason for what happened. Simply because it rightfully believes that this problem cannot be solved quickly, easily and simply. Here, methods of an analytical approach are already required; they are the ones who will slowly figure out what and why. They will also overcome the resistance that inevitably arises along this path. That’s why - the analytical approach is thorough, the expert approach! KPPt, bypassing this task, focuses on the future. It, as you know, is not conditioned by the past, even though it follows from it. And for moving forward, the true reason for what happened is not of key importance; alternative considerations are more important here, and, above all, of a nature that will support the productive activity of a person. Well and: +7 912 722 54-82
