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*in this article, by the word “diets” I mean various nutritional systems that promote restrictions. Both specific diets (Kremlin, fruit, etc.), and PP, calorie counting, intermittent fasting and other nutrition systems. Most often, people who have suffered from diets come to me to work on eating behavior. Some people gained even more weight after the diet experience because they severely limited their diet during the weight loss period. Someone has developed strong reactions to “forbidden” foods and now cannot get enough of sweets, which previously were not attractive at all. And for some, diets have led to more serious consequences, for example, restrictive bulimia - when the breakdowns have become so unbearable that there is no food There is no other way out but to resort to cleansing. And do you know what question clients most often ask me after an unsuccessful dietary experience? Why does the diet work for some and not for others? So today I wanted to talk about when and which people can a diet really be successful and be an effective way to lose weight? and who should not choose this tool and why. When and for whom are diets effective? First of all, with this article I want to convey that a diet is a tool. And before entering into the next fashionable nutrition system, the task of anyone losing weight is to answer three important questions: 1. Is this tool right for me? (is my eating behavior normal) I consider this point to be the main one. After all, only a person with normal eating behavior can use diets to correct their weight. In all other cases, an eating disorder simply will not allow you to do this. In short, a person with normal eating behavior eats when food is needed by the body, he is in contact with his hunger and satiety. And if, for example, a person’s eating behavior is disturbed and has an emotional type, then no diet will help the person, because he overeats due to emotions, so you need to work not with food. It is a person who has normal eating behavior who, in case of weight gain, can use diets or other nutrition systems for temporary weight adjustment (second point about this). 2. What is my goal? (do I need temporary or long-term results) The second extremely important point that you need to realize is that diet is a tool for short-term weight loss. A diet is an artificial restriction on your diet; it is a framework within which you try to fit your nutrition. But as soon as you remove these artificial frames, the weight will come back again. Therefore, you need to either solve the problem at the root or live with these limits for the rest of your life. Diet is an excellent tool if you need results in the short term. For example, before surgery, competitions or other medical recommendations. But it’s not a way to put your hopes on if you want a beautiful body for the rest of your life. That is, it turns out that diet is not a suitable tool for you if your goal is not only to lose weight, but also to maintain this weight for many years. True, there is one loophole and this is what the third paragraph is about. 3. What price am I willing to pay for the result (am I willing to live with restrictions all my life) There is a group of people for whom a diet or other nutritional system may be suitable - people who are ready to make a diet a way of life. I would even emphasize here - SINCERELY READY. Remember, in your surroundings there are probably people who have been on intermittent fasting or fasting for years, who have not eaten sweets and starchy foods for a long time, and they feel good about it, they do not suffer from the lack of this or that food. They are ready to pay this price. If you are sincerely and honestly ready to make a diet a way of life, are ready to keep yourself within limits all your life, depriving yourself of certain foods and at the same time not suffer, but live comfortably in this, then why not? Me, as a specialist in eating behavior, of course, I would like to give several arguments “against” this approach. After all, I know that you can have a comfortable body and not pay so much for it!
