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From the author: For 34 years now, every year, around the third week of April, non-profit seminars of Dr. Alekseichik have been held in Vilnius. I myself participated, I think, in no less than 15 seminars of Alexander Efimovich. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to receive therapy from such a master. With gratitude to A.E. Alekseichik, I always strive to go to Lithuania. I'm happy to come. I also leave with joy, eager to go home. The group began and ended for me at Birutes, 40. Event. Now he lives not even in memories, but in my “works and days,” in relationships with loved ones, with the world. At the seminar in April 2004, my place was behind the circle. Does it make sense to be outside the circle? This question is often asked to me when I myself am an organizer of seminars. And the answer lies with those asking themselves. For some, “being outside the circle” is tantamount to not participating in life, to being a contemplator. Perhaps they think so. Perhaps this is indeed true for them. Then their place is in the circle. There is a possibility that they made a mistake and ended up at the wrong seminar at the wrong time. I arrived on time. To your seminar. My participation is all around. About seven years ago, while studying in the program of Doctor of Psychology Rimantas Kociunas, I first happened to be in the group of Alexander Efimovich Alekseichik. A lot happened for me then. I am grateful to Dr. Alekseichik, I am in his debt to this day. Now it is appropriate to remember only that state when, with surprise, but quite obviously, I felt like I was part of the group, of what was happening. I didn’t speculatively wish for someone else to cope, to be able to. There was a feeling that my life, my destiny, was in connection with how he or she would overcome his or her predicament, survive his or her limitations. Since then and now I feel this community more subtly with my children, loved ones, with my city, country, world. This human togetherness of ours is especially clearly manifested in the life of the seminar. Twenty to twenty-one participants and the leader are in a circle, forty to sixty are outside the circle. Some people have their backs to me, others I see in profile, others’ faces are opposite. When we sit down, it’s cramped. After some time, the tightness disappeared. Almost Russia, where a broad-minded Russian person will turn any inconvenience into a blessing. I see everyone. Here are those who want to be here. Seminar 2004. A big event. It contains concreteness and universality at the same time, effectiveness in its simplicity. What is happening is curtailed, concentrated. Behind it is depth and volume: the history of feelings, families, states. Everything is important. Border. Between me and the person sitting next to me, between us and those in the circle. She is. But what is she like this time in 2004? Basically it is flexible and soft. With such a border there is more freedom for change. For changes that are not idle, fussy or self-willed. The borders are essentially free for transformation. A voice dares to be from behind the circle at the wrong time, making it your own, blissful for everyone. The group has either 20 or 21 participants; faces change. We live not by agreed upon rules, but by unwritten laws that are beyond words. Did you make it? After all, seminars are 27 years old: maturity does not need strict boundaries. Miracle of 2004? Tears. They are special at the seminar. I have a lot of unshed tears. Here they become tears not about the past. They are life-giving. These tears do not cloud, but enlighten. Through them is the way from sin. My tears from hopelessness and fatigue lead to faith. This is the place to dive into your sin. To immerse yourself so that, once you are face to face with him, with the help of everyone you can rise and stand on your feet. The presenter, the seminar organizers, the guests-participants, the spirit of the place will help. And in 2004, Father Peter, a priest of the Orthodox Church. Through the actions, actions of those in the circle and beyond, we move from hostility and rejection to love, from destruction and anger to peacemaking, from lies to forgiveness, from difference to unity, from cowardice to masculinity, from arrogance to femininity. AND…
