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Women's Slavic gymnastics is an ancient energetic ancestral practice of the ancient Slavs, our great-great-grandmothers. Slavic women possessed great strength, which was passed down through the family as genetic memory. They lived in harmony with Nature: they could control the elements, heal, provide wealth, protection and prosperity to the family and clan. This knowledge is still kept by hereditary Beregini. My experience: This practice has renewed my life and my worldview. And precisely at the moment when I was ripe for this. I began to open up and grow as a true Woman. With her help, I straightened my posture, improved the functioning of my whole body, etc., many changes have happened and are happening and I enjoy them. I first learned about these exercises in March 2011. Our coach didn’t talk much about the results; apparently she didn’t want us to do gymnastics for the sake of something or someone other than ourselves. She showed us only complex 9 Beware and said that with their help, your posture will straighten, you will always feel cheerful, the level of vibrations will increase, you will become more feminine, slender and contented, women’s health will improve, and your health in general will improve, your body will renew itself better will stay healthy and strong longer, will meet a more harmonious partner. Then I read more about this gymnastics and doubted: how can exercises bring the results stated?! However, maintaining a small amount of healthy skepticism, I continued to do them as I wanted and, moreover, I believe that there are no coincidences and life, taking care of us and our growth, presents us with what we really need at the moment.. the main thing is to follow your instinct =). Then I found a system of these exercises adapted to the modern pace of life, which could be done for an hour and a half (as I initially did) or 15 minutes every day. It's called "The Birth of a Star". Here is a community on the topic: http://charaunitsa.livejournal.com/My friends also started doing gymnastics: their worldview expanded, they became calmer and more feminine, they became slimmer (the kilograms of many disappeared once but never returned), their faces shone from the inside . One of them cured endometriosis in a month only with the help of gymnastics. Many met their man, some abandoned previous unsatisfying relationships, others, on the contrary, improved their family life, learned to inspire their men to win and influence their success. And there are many such examples. ACTION OF PRACTICE: It helps a woman fulfill her destiny. And this is life in harmony with Nature, finding your own path of realization, prolonging and strengthening the family. Gymnastics is aimed at harmonizing the body, activating self-regulation processes, cleansing and filling with vital energy, developing tendons, increasing tone, building a figure, adjusting hormonal levels (PMS disappears), helps single people get married or find a suitable partner, and for married people strengthen their s-v-o -e-g-o man/partner, help achieve success in activities, in earning money. The practice can be used in healing. In addition, those who engage in this practice: clean and expand their energy channels, increase the level of vibration and vitality, Feminine Power, increase their self-esteem and psychological and physical stability, lead to a slim figure, tighten the stomach ( to feminine and harmonious sizes), straighten posture, improve and maintain women’s health, treat infertility and other female diseases, menopause, painful menstruation, PMS, strengthen the smooth muscles of the vagina and increase the energy potential of a woman, increase sexuality and attractiveness and quality of life, from the point of view from the perspective of personal life: women find their true partners, get married, give birth to children, find their purpose, ancestral memory intensifies, the flow of the power of the genus, new information comes and nourishment from the genus. ORIGINS: Shards of knowledge on this practice were collected?!
