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I hope that my readers and subscribers know for sure that we live most of our lives unconsciously: the blood flows, the heart beats, the brain works, and we act based on our beliefs and unconscious programs . Which were formed on the basis of experience or absorbed with mother's milk, through upbringing. Fortunately, in the age of development of psychology, many have the opportunity to at least partially emerge from the unconscious life to the conscious one. In the first option, a person lives approximately in a ratio of 90 to 10, in the second, the balance of intelligent life varies from the person’s determination and will. So, one of the most destructive beliefs that destroys life is to live in the illusion that the world consists of pink unicorns, this is when it is unclear for what reasons a person endows the world with some qualities that are true and fair according to his subjective conviction, forming the image of an ideal mother, an ideal father, a president, God, the world, children, a boss, etc. As a result, the world and all these pink unicorns constantly do not correspond to fantasies our storyteller. He has to live in a terrible world, terrible people, parents, children, etc. After all, they will never reach the ideal fantasy. Now let’s imagine that a person lives with the conviction that everyone in the world is terrible and disgusting orcs who create wild things. And every time he encounters their good manifestations, he will be pleasantly surprised: his mother did not beat him today - wow! My father didn't tie it to the battery - wow! The President did not shoot all his citizens today - amazing! Agree, the world is becoming an incredibly blessed place! By the way, there is another golden option - to perceive the world in all its duality. But this, as you understand, is only for a select few - my clients. The second belief that worsens life is to interpret everything against oneself: she looked at me - she didn’t like me, a friend refused to help - I’m a disgusting person, I can’t live well - this because everything is not okay with me. What a way out of this belief is to start interpreting everything in your favor! The guy didn’t ask me out on a date - he just can’t accept so much love now, the dollar has risen - this is so that I can learn to use rubles, everyone looks at me - I’m gorgeous. In the golden version, we learn to see our responsibility and the responsibility of the other in situations On the other hand, we learn to clarify relationships and situations with our questions (voiced, not asked using telepathy). So, everything is in our hands. And with just one new belief you can completely change your state, attitude, and even the current situation - but such a superpower is naturally only for the chosen ones. PS: therapy begins with a person finding 1 hour of time for himself and deciding to spend money on himself. This in itself is already therapeutic. Natalya Sergeevna Rogova, certified and practicing psychologist, Master of Psychology Online consultations around the world: +7916 670 08 08 Magazine about psychologists and more https://t.me/psyholog_place
