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The term group dynamics was first introduced by K. Levin (1936), which meant the process of interaction of social and psychological reasons affecting the behavior of individuals in a group. The historical situation itself pushed psychologists to study the influence of a group on a person: the state needed effective propaganda; after the Second World War, many soldiers returned from the front who needed rehabilitation after the horrors of war. One of the psychologists who worked on the rehabilitation of soldiers after the war was W. Bion. The works of Freud and Klein can be considered the forerunner of Bion’s views on group dynamics, referring to the works of Klein and her terms psychotic anxiety, primitive defenses, considering the hypotheses of early object relations, we can observe not only that a person is attached to a group from the very beginning of life, first This is a family group, over the course of life the group expands and one way or another is important in the formation and development of the psyche, but also the fact that his first contacts with his mother and other people around him have a special quality and are of deep significance for his subsequent development. And in fact, establishing emotional connections in a group for an adult can be as difficult as for a child trying to establish contact with his mother. Bion points out that, apparently, the mechanisms for establishing contact with the mother described by Klein (1936,1946) on early stages of development, can also be characteristic of adults, in the process of establishing contact in groups. At the same time, the impossibility and difficulty of establishing this contact leads to regression. It is also precisely thanks to regression that the individual develops the feeling that the group is endowed with a “Fantasized Group Personality” (Bion 1952), i.e. the group is not thought of as a collection of separate individuals, but as something more; a specific member of the group loses its individual identity, i.e. an individual entering a group loses or diffusely begins to perceive his history, habits, self-awareness, traditions. To describe typical processes occurring in a group, Bion introduces several terms: work group, basic assumptions, groups of basic assumptions, as well as group thinking - group culture. Group thinking -group culture While observing groups, Bion noticed that a group often functions as a single unit, even though individuals may not notice or realize this, such observations led him to the hypothesis that the group has groupthink. Those. this is a form of mental activity that occurs during the formation of a group. “Groupthink is formed by a unanimous opinion, volitional decision or desire of the group at a given moment. Group members contribute anonymously and unconsciously. Groupthink may be in conflict with the wishes, opinions and thoughts of individuals and may cause them to feel uneasy, angry or other reactions." (Introduction to Bion's works) Bion further introduces the concept of group culture - this concept includes the structure acquired by a group at the moment, the problems it intends to solve, and the organization it creates to achieve this goal. Group culture represents a phenomenon that can be observed in the context of a group situation, and which can be described by the observer by taking into account the behavior of its members, the roles they play, active leaders and the behavior of the group as a whole. Group culture is a function of groupthink and the desires of individuals, who in relation to it are the factors determining it. The conflict between the desires and needs of the individual and the collective will determines the organization of the group in accordance with which the group functions and carries out activities, and here Bion introduces the concept of basic assumptions. Basic assumptions (basic premises) Bion drew attention to the phenomenon that affects the activities of the work group as interference , and sometimeshelp it to be realized through another kind of activity - a strongly expressed emotional reaction, originating from a primitive source. Such phenomena may give the impression of chaotic reactions, but Bion solves this problem with one assumption: that these phenomena are the result of basic preconditions for the entire group. This is, as it were, a unanimous, general, unconscious, impersonal opinion based on irrational emotional reactions that dominates the group, which may be opposite in its orientation to the rational goals of the working group. In order to take part in the basic assumption in the group, no special skills are required cooperation, everything depends on such a personality phenomenon as valence - the ability to instantly form a connection with another person and build one’s activities with him on the basis of one of the prerequisites. Bion points out that the function of a working group is formed on the basis of one basic premise, which in turn can change in a short time, or can remain unchanged for a long period of time. It is worth noting that the work group’s activities are always permeated with the peculiarities of the basic premise. The emotions associated with the basic premises are the same fear, hatred, anxiety, love, but in essence the emotion of fear of the basic assumption of “dependence” is no different from the fear of “flight or fight”, however, they differ qualitatively, they differ in their content in the first case, for example, it is the fear of being abandoned by the feeding object, in the second it is the fear of being crippled, i.e. combinations of emotions in the basic premises give a certain originality to the affective experience, although fear remains fear, but it is a different fear, it is based on a different assumption. In addition to everything described for the basic assumption, the group is characterized by the presence of a leader, this is not always a person, it can be an idea that will help to continue to function as a group based on this basic assumption and maintain the status quo, the emergence of any new idea is accompanied by a feeling of threat. Bion goes on to describe three types of basic assumptions: The basic assumption of “dependence” The general belief of the whole group that it can rely on the group leader, who must provide it with nutrition (both spiritual and material), safety, certainly knows the answers to all questions and can and must resolve them, the group perceives and feels itself as an “immature organism.” The dependent group behaves towards the therapist as if they are convinced that all the work should be done by him. Such a structure is evidenced, for example, by a lack of critical judgment and passivity. The group may be organized like a student next to a professor from whom instructions are expected or from whom they can be demanded. It may also function like a group of followers of an idea or personality whose good qualities are not questioned, or like a group of children who expect to be taught each in turn. If the therapist, as the leader of the group, who has taken responsibility for the emotional state of the group, will deny his role as an omnipotent deity or will try to clarify what is happening in the group, and will begin to demand that the group members function at a more adult level - the group begins to react to this as an impending danger, as a result, the group begins to look for a new leader, Bion points out that this is usually the most a sick group member either turns to the group “bible” - the past history of the group, which contains methodological instructions, and the group begins to spend a lot of time studying this “bible”. However, this development scenario is possible if the group remains within the same basic assumption, but the group may try to change the basic assumption, a reaction of this type is called deviant, i.e. In extreme cases, when a group experiences serious anxiety, fear and tension emanating from a new idea, this reaction is that the dependent group mayto put pressure on an external group in order to demonstrate their influence or turnover. The basic premise of “flight or fight” is the group’s belief in the existence of an external enemy against which it is necessary to fight or run away from it, the leader in such a group must make demands on the group that will allow her to turn to aggression or flight, the therapist may experience some hindrance in trying to illuminate what is happening in the group because of the ease with which emotional support is mobilized for proposals that express either hatred of psychological problems of any kind or depict remedies to avoid them. Most often, such groups find a leader among paranoid individuals, who is obliged to support the idea that there is an enemy; in therapeutic groups, such an enemy can be the therapist, his words, physical or mental illness; if the therapist is an enemy, then the group will ignore his interventions or dismantle his contempt for them. When threatened by a new idea, the group exhibits a reaction that deviates from the norm, expressed in actions that are aimed at subordinating the personality of the therapist or external groups or submitting to external groups, their ideas or opinions. The basic assumption of “pair formation” Being under action of this basic premise, the group “calmly reacts” to the fact that its two members are distracting and delaying group time for themselves, couples are formed in the group in which the gender of the partner does not matter, from the emotional side, such sessions are “overflowing” with a feeling of hope, intriguing, because they can intrigue new emerging relationships, hope for everything to change for the better, the blind will see, the crippled will go, in contrast to the action of other prerequisites and the work group, where we can observe frustration, loneliness, fear, anxiety, the presence of such a feeling in the group already indicates that that she is under the influence of this basic premise, even if other characteristics are absent. Bion notes that such a reaction on the part of group members to the formation of pairs is essentially a reaction to a situation reminiscent of the primal scene. The leader of such a group is the unborn Messiah - a member of the group or an idea who can save everyone and change the world order. When this process is carried out to the extent possible, hope is weakened because it ceases to be hope and turns into reality, in turn, destructive feelings, without undergoing deformation, also weaken hope. Bion warns us against trying to direct the course of a group in such a way as to preserve its hopes, because we present the group members with the difficult choice of damaging the creative function of the group or killing the Messiah, in order to then recreate the messianic hopes, and at the same time endure it. A deviant form of this type of group is the desire to split. When faced with a threat to the development of a new idea, the group may split in defense. In the event of a split, part of the group will continue to hold to the messianic hope, that is, it will remain under the influence of the basic assumption of finding a mate. The fate of the other part will depend on other factors, the main of which are the tolerance of the new idea and the desire of the group to function again at the level of the basic assumption. It is important to note that a deviant form of culture arises only when the group is confronted with an idea that, firstly, it promotes development (which is not the case in work group culture) and, secondly, it does not destroy the culture of the basic assumption. The development of a new idea threatens the basic structure of the group and provides the possibility of a situation of changing the structure of the group or society. Thus, basic assumptions are the equivalent of a group's omnipotent fantasy about the way its problems will be solved. In fact, the unconscious purpose of being in a basic assumption group is to avoid frustration,.
