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From the author: I think this topic is a reason to think for parents at any age. Hello wise parents! At the conference of the European Society for Psychological Health, the question was raised “Is it necessary to drink with a child in order to teach him how to drink properly and don't get drunk?" The authors tested the hypothesis that parents should drink at home with teenagers so that they learn to drink alcohol correctly. The study was conducted in compliance with all rules. There was a large sample of parents, and those whose one teenager was 13 years old and the other 15 years old. It turned out that those teenagers who drank with their parents then drank not only at home, but also in many other places. The amount of alcohol they consumed was higher than that of those who never drank with their parents. This study was conducted in the Netherlands. I think there would be no need to conduct a similar experiment in Russia or Ukraine; a survey of the population would be enough. Any of us can easily calculate the result by looking at our neighbors. A family of drinkers lived in our yard, a family with many children. I once observed a situation: early in the morning, a grandmother was sitting on a bench, and her three-year-old granddaughter was playing with empty bottles and disposable cups that she had collected in the trash. The granddaughter says to the grandmother: “Grandma, I’ve already poured it, let’s knock, and I put the third glass for my mother.” We clearly have an experiment age that should be younger. But nevertheless, this confirms the fact proven in the experiment described above: the joint use of alcohol with children leads to the fact that the teenager loses caution and easily exceeds the norm. ATTENTION: parents should not set a negative example for their children, since their behavior will always remain the standard for children!!! There is a simple method to prevent dependent behavior in children: you need to teach them to cope with difficulties and be able to study and work. Any addiction, including alcohol or drug addiction, occurs when suddenly an extremely negative state is replaced by an intensely positive feeling. For example, there was a problem, I drank a little and forgot about it. If a parent teaches a child to cope with problems, then they will not cause the need to fill out a difficult condition with something. Moreover, if parents demonstrate to their child how they relieve stress using socially acceptable methods (building a house, running, going to sports activities, etc.), then the child will learn these effective ways to relieve stress. I think this topic is a reason to think about parents at any age. Sincerely, psychologist Irina Revutskaya.
