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We always understand what we pay for at the grocery store or gas station. We know what we pay our manicurist and hairdresser for. What does a psychologist take money for? For conversations? For the advice that I knew before? Because he was silent the whole session, and I was drawing and sculpting? Recently I began to think “for whom does the psychologist take the money?”, and came to a very unexpected conclusion - FOR THE CLIENT! Well nooo... - I persuaded myself, I I take the money for myself and also spend it on myself. And then I began to analyze - what do I spend the money I earn on? One of the most important, in my opinion, factors why a person should pay is motivation. We all love freebies, but we also treat them like freebies - without really trying or straining. Since it’s easy, it’s easy to part. It turns out that by paying for the work of a psychologist, the client thereby motivates himself to work, declaring his readiness. In order to provide qualified psychological assistance, the psychologist is in a constant stream of self-education. Time is fleeting, people change, technology and science develop. Just as in medicine, bloodletting is no longer used to treat people, so in psychology, batteries of tests are no longer carried out and are less and less often found on the couch. And psychology is working with living people, and not cutting out nuts on a machine, all according to one technological map. If a specialist does not develop and improve himself, then he will not be able to choose the correct tool for tuning the notes of the client’s psyche (this is how negative reviews about psychologists begin to be born). One of my teachers once said at one of the training seminars that a psychologist works with the soul (before that I it seemed that the psychologist was working with his head and throat). And then it’s clear why psychologists go to psychologists. We work and share what is in us. If we have negativity and chaos, what will happen to the client who comes to us for peace and harmony? (this is how negative reviews about the work of psychologists continue to appear). The trash also needs to be taken out of psychologists, because only a balanced specialist is ready to lead a client to a result. And also, psychologists sometimes need to eat at least a little in order to simply maintain the physical ability to come to a meeting with a client and (ideally) work with their souls :) Well, Do you still think we take money for ourselves?)#Mitshimanorskaya#Lifeauthorship
