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Stay at your current job or accept an offer from another employer, leave or stay in your hometown, choose a ready-made tour or an independent trip, buy a car or spend money on home renovations, etc. Every single day Every day we face decisions of different scales and significance. And if it seems to us that we are not choosing anything, this is not so. Leaving everything as it is is a choice. There is a simple technique - the Descartes square, which helps to structure the advantages and disadvantages of specific choices, as well as cope with irrational fears, procrastination that arises when it is necessary to make a decision. The technique can be performed by yourself, accompanied (you are asked questions , and you answer), as a team when solving work issues, or as a whole family. At one time, my youngest son, having completed this technique, decided to go on an important trip, which he had previously doubted. I asked questions, and he answered in writing. The moment of confidentiality was respected, and the main bonus is that it was an independently made decision, which after a while pleased the child even more. Having taken a step towards new experience, he made new friends, mastered new skills, and expanded his own horizons of knowledge. About the method: You need to choose between X and Y by a certain deadline.1. First, decide X or Y is the most interesting to explore. 2. For example, you chose Y, now take sheet A 4, divide it so that you get 4 squares. 3. In the first square, write down the question: “What will happen if there is Y?” in the second square “What will happen if there is no Y?” In the third square: “What will not happen if there is U?” In the fourth square: “What will not happen if there is no Y?” To complete the task, it is important to choose the right time and place, so that there is nothing distracting, relax if possible, feet should rest on the floor, gaze at horizon level, it is possible, and even better look out the window. A perspective should open before your eyes, or at least there should be room for imagination. After you have answered all 4 questions, carefully review the notes and cross out unimportant points that, in your opinion, will not have any impact on the choice. Draw conclusions. And finally, control questions. If I make this decision now, how will I feel about it in 10 minutes, 10 days, 10 months and 10 years from now? This way you can better understand the seriousness of your intentions. The technique is effective if two criteria are met: there is relevance and the upcoming decision has a deadline (the date by which you need to make a choice is very important!). Coaching support, business consulting, phone 8 (988) 950-65-65, WhatsApp available.
