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Quite often, assumptions about ripening and maturation arise during consultations with parents whose children, for some reason, do not fit into the norms of development: intellectual, emotional - volitional, social... For some reason, parents often think that everything will happen by itself just if give more time and do nothing....Parents think that the most important criterion is time...Unfortunately, this is far from the case; in most cases, it is precisely this time that must be used to create conditions for the formation and development , those functions, skills, abilities in which there is a lag... This time to “ripen” is necessary with a huge amount of “feeding” and care, love, attention. This should all happen systematically and methodically, and then the long-awaited maturation will be possible. If you leave everything as it is and just wait, there is a very high probability that the situation will not only not improve, but will worsen... It is important to understand that time is valuable resource and its reasonable use brings results. There may be a need to turn to specialists: defectologists, neurologists, psychologists. Get recommendations and accept the help they offer. A parent can do a lot on their own, and it depends on the parents and their help to their child a lot. Because it is regularity and consistency that work wonders. Sometimes, due to a high level of anxiety, a parent tries to embrace the immensity.... And as a result, he gets tired, and the result is not good. It is worth remembering that the result depends not only on the quantity and quality of your efforts , but also on the capabilities of the child himself. On how quickly he can assimilate information, how much he can then transmit it to others, on how his nervous system works, and what the zone of proximal development is. A reasonable approach is also important here; you cannot try to “shove it in” everything in the world, this greatly slows down the processes... If you overload the nervous system, the brain, then the child’s body will invariably fail and then regression is possible... And also the manifestation of negativism and lack of desire to do anything... Therefore, it is very important, do not waste time, and at the same time observe the principle of rationality and consistency. Children do not ripen like vegetables in the garden and fruits on a tree branch. Children need help, create conditions, and take care of them. And only under these conditions, a positive result is possible. Do not put off the consultation until later, do not miss the chance to seize the moment and look at the world and yourself in a completely new way! You can make an appointment by phone number +7921 77277739 Whats app, Telegram
