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My new relationship is similar to all past ones, he (she) drinks again, beats, tyrannizes, cheats... This is all very sad. But what are you doing to ensure that all this is in your life? Do you find a certain type, enter into a relationship that starts the same? Very similar to the truth, but why? After all, few people consciously want to repeat the life that hurts! Let's figure it out. IF A FLY HAS NOT TASTED THE TASTE OF HONEY, IT SIT ON EVERY TIME.... We are hostage to our traumas from childhood, this is an indisputable fact. All the ways we lived relationships in our parental environment is an absorbed, habitual, unconsciously chosen model of interaction in life as a whole! Living habitually in an atmosphere of toxicity means habitually. It's simple. The psyche doesn’t know how to do it any other way. Therefore, in the end, the new spouse also looks like his father, like how dad treated his mother, like his previous husband, and even like his first boyfriend. But there is a way out. 1. Get so tired of the vicious circle that you no longer have the strength to stay in it. As they say, there is a bearable nightmare and an unbearable nightmare. We will come to changes when our nightmare becomes truly unbearable, and until this moment, unfortunately, people most often continue to endure and remain in their usual lives. Suffer and stay, suffer again and stay. That is why you need to be tired to the limit, then the work towards change will begin. 2. Realize the reality of what is happening, stop denying the truth and start working on responsibility. Making a choice is always difficult, because when we choose one, we say goodbye to the other. Before making a choice, it is important to experience a lot of feelings. Fatigue, powerlessness, anger, disgust, sadness, pain... 3. Explore the new path you want to follow. Living and appropriating new experiences step by step. 4. Being able to take support is a very valuable moment, since without support it is extremely difficult to go through life. Most often, the therapist is that very support. With these changes within yourself, everything around you will change, including people. The therapist will be replaced by another support person, and then you yourself will be the real support. 5. Enjoy changes and live happily and according to a healthy NEW scenario. Taste the honey.
