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From the author: An excerpt from my book “A Happy Woman is a Creative Woman” 1. When a woman switches from competition mode to creativity mode, an aura of naturalness forms around her charm! Giving complete freedom to her creative self, a woman feels carefree, free, radiates positivity and therefore becomes unusually attractive to the opposite sex! Gracefulness, naturalness, spontaneity of behavior - these are “arrows” straight into the heart of any man! 2. When a woman creates, revealing her talents, it is like the blossoming and opening of a beautiful rose bud! Everyone feels the aroma of flowering; it is impossible not to pay attention to a woman who has found herself, her calling, her favorite thing! Such a woman radiates happiness, her eyes glow like those of a girl in love! Her favorite thing, just like her beloved man, again and again brings her back to the best part of her Self, and gives her crazy happiness to live here and now! When you do what you love, you stop feeling the passage of time and find yourself in the eternally fresh present moment! 3. A woman who has found time for creativity in the bustle of days, worries, and urgent matters receives the most valuable vitamin for beauty and health - the joy of life! Joy is needed not tomorrow, not after completing things, not after solving problems, achieving a goal, but NOW! Creativity is the only thing that brings joy to life here and now! Any activity (dancing, singing, drawing......) that captivates a woman so much that it makes her forget about time brings the JOY of life here and now! Joy is a source of energy, inspiration, and strength necessary to solve numerous tasks and problems of life. First of all, fill yourself with happiness, so that you can then share it with everyone around you! 4. Moments of creativity are precious moments of self-expression and self-knowledge! Every new moment lived on a wave of inspiration expands your sense of “I can”! Only in creativity do you forget all your limitations and begin to do what no one (even you) expected from yourself! You suddenly notice yourself in a new territory of life, at such moments you are carried away beyond the boundaries of past experience, beyond the boundaries of the familiar, predictable world, to where you always do something for the first time! Creativity is a real “shower” for the soul! After such a “soul” you come out refreshed, with a fresh perception of yourself and the world around you! 5. In our age of stress and information overload, creativity is a reliable shield for maintaining psychological health! To maintain psychological health, that is, the ability to enjoy life, there must be moments in your life that are valuable in themselves! Usually we are immersed in moments that tear our “I” apart in different directions of our aspirations, desires, the need to solve problems, life tasks. Your “I” is always in tension, because there is a need to fill the gap between what is and what we need to get, we are always looking to the future, when the problem is solved, the goal is achieved, the desired is obtained. Creativity, if we are not talking about creating values, finding a non-standard solution to a problem, but we mean a way of life, is always a series of valuable moments, every moment filled with the joy of action, the joy of life, the joy of perceiving the unique beauty of the moment here and now. It doesn’t matter what you do, play with children, fool around with friends, do something not for a goal in the future, but for the joy of life here and now - these moments are the best way to maintain psychological health! 6. Moments of creativity are an inexhaustible source of positive emotions, which means they are a real elixir of health and beauty! The wisest doctors of antiquity said that “the joy of the spirit is the best medicine.” Today psychoimmunology and neurophysiology are developing very rapidly. Scientists are receiving more and more new facts confirming what the founders of ancient medicine of Rus', India,China. It turns out that all emotions have their biochemical analogues in the body, and depending on the type of emotions you experience, certain neuropeptides and neurohormones are produced in your body. Positive emotions stimulate the immune system, improve vascular tone and blood circulation, normalize blood pressure, improve digestion, etc. Simply put, when you enjoy life, your emotions are literally metabolized into hormones that keep your health in the best possible condition! When you hear the words “I love you,” the biochemical mood of your body instantly changes, every cell of your body “smiles” and “rejoices” in life! When you hear compliments addressed to you, when you successfully achieve even small goals of the day, your whole body instantly reflects the state of your soul, and many more hormones responsible for good health and mood appear in your blood! The more success and joy in your life, the less inclined you are to receive positive emotions with the help of delicious food, sweet candies, buns, etc. That is, positive emotions are not only health vitamins, but also the best means for preserving youth and beauty! 7.Creativity, under certain conditions, can significantly improve your financial situation! The most striking example is Joan Rowling (author of books about Harry Potter)! What are these conditions? Your creative expression should improve the lives of many people in some unique way, help them solve certain problems, satisfy certain needs, bring something new and valuable to life! Creativity is the only “business” that allows you to simultaneously enjoy life and be useful to many people! When you do what you love, create something (a book, music, a script for a film, a sketch of a future dress, toys for children, beautiful bouquets, unique dishes) are you really working in the usual sense of the word? No, you are enjoying yourself! If the results of your creativity can be transformed into services, products, and services that are useful to others, then you will not only benefit many people, but you will also be able to significantly improve your financial situation! Many famous, successful women in Russia and all over the world have found their wealth and prosperity this way! 8. When you create, you have an amazing romance with the entire Universe! Creativity is simply coming up with something and then bringing it to life! Isn't this how wishes come true? Your desire is initially just a thought, an image of something, and when your thoughts turn into corresponding events, it means the desire has become a reality! This means that the task of any sorceress who makes her wishes come true is simple: to find the shortest way to transform her thoughts into objective life events! How to do it? Nature has given you a magical tool for this - your consciousness! Adjust your consciousness, thoughts and actions in harmony with the creative laws of nature, and you will see, as if out of nowhere, one after another, unexpectedly, spontaneously, favorable opportunities appear to transform what you think about into reality! Why did I say that creativity is like love, romance? Because in creativity, as in a love story, you never know what awaits you in the next moment! In creativity, as in romantic relationships, the sense of time disappears, you fall into the bottomless moment of the present, you are full of joy and feel the fullness of life, you feel the freshness of life and the excitement of adventure, all your senses are heightened, and you notice more and more beauty in the world around you! Most importantly, when you create, you feel how the Universe responds in reciprocity to your thoughts and desires, spontaneously, opening up a path of favorable events and opportunities for you! 9. Creativity gives you the feeling of being the author of your own destiny! When most of the events in your life bring you joy and reflect your deepest thoughts and desires, don’t you feel like the author of your life? Isn't this what you dreamed about as a child? On
