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Flipping through notes from my consultations, studying questions from parents on forums, I decided to write several publications on the topic “Childhood stress.” This topic is quite interesting and very important. It requires a lot of attention, primarily from the parents of those children who are experiencing stress and, of course, psychologists who, if contacted, help parents and children solve this problem. First, let’s find out what childhood stress is. Childhood stress is a disruption of the child’s usual rhythm of life. A response to a child’s comfort zone being touched by someone. In this publication, I would like to talk about the types and signs of stress in children. Types of childhood stress: 1) Psychological (emotional) stress. In this state, the child often does not perceive himself as he is. He also has difficulty communicating with friends and family. Often, emotional stress in a child can be caused by a quarrel and divorce of parents. 2) Physical stress in a child is associated with the influence of the environment and material factors on the child’s body (cold/heat, infections, injuries, etc.) Signs of stress in children: It's worth noting that signs of childhood stress vary. For three-year-olds (due to the 3-year-old crisis) they have one character, for preschoolers they have a different character, and for students in general they have a third character. Since I most often work with primary and secondary schoolchildren, I will focus on the signs of their stressful state. Junior school age: 1) rapid fatigue (it happens that a child, returning from school, sleeps for 1.5-2 hours). This can be caused by school stress. 2) headaches (one of the causes of overwork); 3) nightmares (after watching horror films, for example); 4) frequent moodiness; 5) worsening sleep and appetite or, on the contrary, increased sleepiness and appetite; Signs of stress in children of middle school age are often caused by the onset of adolescence (adolescence): 1) lies; 2) frustration for no reason; 3) decline in academic performance; 4) display of aggression; 5) does not want to go to school, becomes withdrawn. In the next publication, I will tell you about the causes of stress and how parents can help their child overcome it..
