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From the author: Every person, both an adult and a child, knows what fear is. This feeling is quite natural; it allows us to react in time to the impending danger. An adult is most often able to cope with fear on his own: reflect on the feeling itself, find its causes, and give himself reasonable instructions for action. A child whose psyche has not yet matured to reflection (not to mention the ability to understand what I am afraid of, why, and what to do now) cannot cope with his fears on his own. It is impossible to protect a child from experiencing fear (and it is not necessary, he must learn to cope with it). Every person, both an adult and a child, knows what fear is. This feeling is quite natural; it allows us to react in time to the impending danger. An adult is most often able to cope with fear on his own: reflect on the feeling itself, find its causes, and give himself reasonable instructions for action. A child whose psyche has not yet matured to reflection (not to mention the ability to understand what I am afraid of, why, and what to do now) cannot cope with his fears on his own. It is impossible to protect a child from experiencing fear (and it is not necessary, he must learn to cope with it), however, the speed of learning to “work with fear” of each individual child depends on the reaction of adults. At different age stages, children develop new fears that manifest themselves in different ways. differently, and can affect development and persist into adulthood. Therefore, it is very important for the child to have support and understanding from the parents, who help the child overcome these very unpleasant feelings. Children's fears may seem “trifling” to adults, but for the child they are serious, so it is important to understand the reasons for their occurrence. Let's consider some of them: Lack of fresh air (does little walking), limited social circle (it is important to expand it after the child is three years old), inactivity (sitting at a computer or TV), an abundance of unnecessary information (adult programs or music videos), lack of a daily routine, little physical activity (no running, no playing) – all this leads to children developing “unreasonable” fears. In fact, the brain gives signals: the body is developing poorly, the necessary connections are not formed in the brain, there is a danger to the normal development of the body and psyche. The answer to the question “What to do?” lies in the reasons mentioned: establish a daily routine, walk, play, indulge and watch cartoons no more than 20 minutes a day. Conflicts in the family. Quarrels happen in every family, but sometimes the spouses are overwhelmed by emotions, and they forget that the child sees and hears everything. If parents quarrel often and strongly, the child begins to fear any tension in the relationship, becomes anxious and refuses to learn something new (for example, does not like to read, study, etc.). Rare quarrels and examples of reconciliation are useful, but if parents absolutely cannot agree, and scandals happen out of the blue, the world for a child becomes too dangerous a place in which a painful “explosion” can unexpectedly occur. Random fright. A loud slam of a door, a sudden movement, a barking dog, etc. can frighten a child, but thanks to the adequate behavior of the parents, such a fright passes quickly and without consequences (to regret, explain what happened, switch attention). If adults ignore such cases (“Don’t be a coward!”) or increase the child’s fear (they make fun of them, repeat them again), the fear can take hold and over time develop into a phobia (search the Internet - there are hundreds of types of phobias!). The world of fantasy. A child's thinking is structured differently than that of adults. Children believe in fairy tales, in Santa Claus, in the victory of good over evil. And in the same way, they believe that a shadow on the wall can turn into a monster, a very black hand can strangle you at night, and a woman will bite off your leg if you lower her from the bed in the dark. Household things.
