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The topic of accepting age, age-related changes, and fear of old age is a very broad and difficult one. And it is important in this work with yourself not to try to drown out fear with artificial positivity, because it will foul and interfere with your life. Let's explore. Older women often say: - I'm 48, but I feel like I'm 30! - Oh, all crises pass me by! - I don't feel any menopause, the main thing is to be a young soul! Well, look, my dear women. These phrases sound beautiful, inspiring and seemingly positive. But let's figure it out. When we say “the crisis has not affected me, and the main thing is youth in my soul,” we can famously deceive ourselves, hide from ourselves and our fears. Well, actually, this in no way contributes to development, change, progress. Youth in the soul is good. But if at 48 you are trying to solve the semantic problems of 18-year-olds, even 30-year-olds, then you are stuck. Let's look at the example of age-related childhood crises - A child in a 3-year-old crisis begins to try everything on his own, these are his age-related developmental tasks. What if he meant “ah! I feel better for 10 months and all these crises don’t concern me” M? Where would he stay? - Or a teenager. His age-related developmental task is to learn to communicate, fall in love, break up and live. And detach yourself from your parents. And what happens when a teenager gets stuck in the previous stages, feeling like he’s 10 years old, it’s so wonderful! No. Not great. This teenager, even at 45, can go with his mother to the store to buy a hat for himself... Therefore, it is obvious that at 40 and at 52 and at 65 we have different age-related tasks. Yes, yes, imagine, after 60 life also goes on. And personal development continues, only different tasks arise. If you get stuck somewhere and avoid all crises, then this is not good, alas. Let's study the age periodizations accepted in academic psychology and not only. And age periodizations are very different in different eras and among different scientists, from the ancients from Socrates to the modern ones, Freud, Vygotsky, Elkonin, for example. Knowledge about them will provide support and even inspiration. Because your age can be called differently, from maturity to decrepitude... Let's start with the classics. But let’s leave out the classics of Russian psychology. Daniil Borisovich Elkonin and Lev Semenovich Vygotsky. They are mega brains of psychology, but... Their age periodizations, which are emphasized in developmental psychology, are only from birth to adolescence. Next - that's all) We are interested in what happens next? After puberty, after 30 years and even a midlife crisisTheory of psychosocial development by Erik EriksonVII. MIDDLE MATURITY From 26 to 64 years The main conflict and tasks of this period - To be productive or to go with the flow. What am I going to do with the rest of my life? Tasks of the period: Profession, satisfaction or dissatisfaction with one’s work. Parenthood, communication with children and with parents. Growing interest in problems society, humanity, the world order, care for future generations. The question of self-realization, the need for hobbies, creativity arises. CARE is a strong way to fulfill internal needs. Difficulties: Adults who fail to become productive often withdraw into themselves. They may unconsciously resist letting go of their children into adulthood. They concentrate on their own desires and this is far from being about love and self-care. With the loss of productivity, if there is no continuation or replacement for it, the development of the individual as an included member of society ends. Difficulties in relationships also intensify. VIII LATE OLDER AGE After 65 years Intrapersonal conflict is determined by how a person lived the previous years, and how successfully he solved problems - Despair or Acceptance Hopelessness or integrity Did my life have meaning? Tasks of the period: The same work of self-acceptance is necessary and understanding one’s own role in the world, searching for the meaning of human existence. The role of the grandmother/grandfather emerges. The main professional life is behind us, the time for reflection comes. Difficulties: A person begins
