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From the author: Where are our roots? Do we receive vitality through them? But in order to stand, I must hold on to the roots.B. GrebenshchikovSelf-realization is successful when it is real, i.e. corresponding to human nature, organic. Organic growth is always growth from the inside out. But for any growth and development, resources are needed - sources of Power. “Everything is in time for a good thief” and “a gentle calf sucks two queens” - these folk sayings tell us that any living organism uses all available opportunities and sources for its growth - both external and internal. You can only grow from yourself , but there is an important secret - you need to stick to the roots, feed from them and at the same time use external energy: the sun, air, wind, birds, animals, people. We just usually forget about the roots because we don’t see them. Therefore, it sometimes seems to us that trees can walk, but this is not so. Just as we don’t always remember about the roots of trees, we, thanks to the dynamism of our lives, break away from our own roots, forgetting about our origins. “Where you were born, you came in handy” - this saying fully applies specifically to trees. The meaning of this saying is that if life energy has condensed in the right place and time - and you were born, then most likely in this place there will be sources for your further development and growth. This proverb tells us about the risks of being uprooted: losing touch with one’s origins and having very great difficulties in taking root in a new place. Those who have ever uprooted trees know how the earth is permeated through and through with roots up and down, along and across. This is why it is so difficult to take root in a new place. In other words, leaving your home is a risky strategy and there must be very good reasons for such a decision. From time immemorial, it has been believed that the grounds for such a dangerous undertaking are threats to the safety and very life of a living being. Quite often, this reason is the depletion of old resources: there is little sun for trees, the soil has become depleted or salted, etc., and for people - loss of work, criminal threats, loss of former meanings... Why do trees need roots? Firstly, through the roots the tree receives the minerals and water necessary for growth and development, without which it will dry out. Secondly, the roots are the most powerful ropes that allow the tree to stand upright, grow upward and hold on during storms and storms. Thirdly, as mentioned above, the roots do not allow strangers to join our original sources of vitality. When seedlings are prepared in advance for sale for planting in other places, they are regularly replanted so that the tree gets used to putting down roots in new circumstances. In the human situation - if you send a child to a new school every 2-3 years, and at the same time change cities and countries - then there is every chance of raising a “universal fighter - super adapter” who will most likely survive in any situation, in any circumstances . After all, since childhood, he has the habit of quickly taking root in a new place. There is another side to life with frequent “transplantation” - such seedlings that are often transplanted from place to place suffer for a long time and sometimes become seriously ill and do not always take root in new conditions. If even trees get sick when they are transplanted, then what can we say about people for whom separation from their natural environment is fraught with an existential crisis, depersonalization, and loss of life guidelines. And why raise a super-adapter? To compensate for your own feelings of maladjustment? Instead of frequent replanting and changing milestones, it is better to create good conditions for your pet. Give it more heat (sun), feed the roots with the right fertilizers, water in hot weather and, most importantly, remove evil weeds that take nutrients from the soil. Of course, pruning is also important - removing unnecessary and shading shoots, but here we are talking, first of all, about nutrition from the roots. Unlike trees, we can take care of ourselves. In order to be".
