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!!Emotional and psychosomatic disorders are links in one chain of the life situation in which patients find themselves. The mental symptoms that patients describe are regressive in nature and associated with a return to a situation in which they were unable to cope with external or internal tasks, the resolution of which is a necessary moment in the development of a normal personality. This led to the formation of emotional-imaginative and psychosomatic, dominant blocks, which involved the bodily and muscular corset in this negative process. Subsequently, the muscle memory of unsolved personal problems actively participates in the motor stereotype. The process of an individual motor stereotype is required to create a compensatory mechanism to neutralize negative, dominant EOB and PSB. Therefore, it is very difficult for patients to free themselves from emotional attachment to past events and to be infantilely dependent on them. This memory of emotional-imaginative and psychosomatic blocks gradually creates the preconditions for pathological changes in the constitution of the entire human body. Nature requires the human body to provide, even with powerful EOB and PSB, a mechanism that could balance the destructive and creative forces in the body for vitality. This results in patients consciously or unconsciously seeking refuge in illness or illness, unwilling to meet the demands of normal family and social life. Diagnosis and search for EOB and PSB using picturesque paintings in the style of SACROREALISM allows you to identify the area of ​​dominant muscle blocks and find a psychological form of help to resolve any conflict situations. Especially in cases of complex conflicts between various conscious and unconscious parts of the personality or between the person and his environment.!!! !More details about the SACROREALISM method can be found on the website http://prog-mirotok.narod.ru!!
